dc.description.abstract | Cross docking is a strategy of logistics operations which means that when the receiving shipment of inbound truck, according to the requirement from orders, the operators separate, sort, and place the items immediately. Finally, they collect these items on the outbound truck and delivery to the location where customer needs. All the items do not need to do examine and store in the distribution center. Because cross docking does not have the cost of bringing the product items into the warehouse and storing them, it is especially for emergency order that need to handle and delivery to the retailers as soon as possible.
This research focuses on the issue of Distributor Cross Docking, from the inbound truck arrives to the outbound truck leaves, and discusses about the operation on it. It is mainly discuss about the operation on tally area, includes order selection problem, cell of tally area assigning problem, and tally area serving problem, and respectively proposes order selection rule, cell of tally area assigning rule, and tally area serving rule. Finally, in this environment, comparing the data by On-time Delivery Rate, Total Tardiness, Total System Time, and Total Picking Distance, which were obtained by simulation experiments, to know which combination of the rules will performs better.
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