博碩士論文 102451015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYU-CHANG KUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract工業革命改變了我們生活的方式,也改變了地球的環境。隨著石化燃料的大量使用,大量的溫室氣體排入大氣所導致的地球暖化現象,造成了如乾旱,豪雨,熱浪等極端氣候愈來愈容易發生在我們周遭。這些極端氣候不但造成了巨大經濟損失,也威脅著我們居住及生命的安全。 汽車自從出現之後便成為了人類生活中重要的一個部分。隨著製造技術的進步,經濟的發達,每年有愈來愈多的汽車被製造出來。根據統計資料,目前全球一年裡可以生產出超過一億輛的各式汽車。汽車雖然帶給了我們生活的方便,但汽車排氣所造成的空氣汙染,都市裡停車位一位難求等問題也帶給我們深深的困擾。 20世紀中葉,逐漸地有有識之士注意到這些問題。並試圖利用減碳、脫石化燃料、汽車共乘或共享等活動等來延緩氣球暖化的速度。隨著網路科技的發達,雲計算以及物聯網的出現,IBM提出了智慧城市的概念。智慧城市試圖運用最新的科技來提升我們能源運用的效率以解決這些問題,並建造一座能永續發展的城市及社會。 本文章藉由觀察世界各主要國家發展智慧城市的目的及其歷程,來探究智慧城市的內涵。觀察汽車在智慧城市裡所扮演之角色,來推測汽車產業將來可能的發展方向。希望能給對這領域有興趣者,提供一些看法作為參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe industrial revolution has changed the way we live and has changed the environment of the planet. With the massive use of fossil fuels, the global warming caused by the release of large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere has caused extreme weather such as drought, heavy rain and heat waves to become more and more likely to occur around us. These extreme climates not only cause huge economic losses, but also threaten the safety of our residence and life. Since the advent of the car, it has become an important part of human life. With the advancement of manufacturing technology and the development of the economy, more and more cars are being produced every year. According to statistics, more than 100 million vehicles can be produced in one year worldwide. Although the car has brought us the convenience of life, the air pollution caused by the exhaust of the car, and the difficulty in finding a parking space in the city have also caused us deep problems. In the middle of the 20th century, people of insight gradually noticed these problems. And try to use the activities of carbon reduction, de-fossil fuel, car sharing or sharing to delay the balloon warming. With the development of network technology, the emergence of cloud computing and the Internet of Things, IBM proposed the concept of smart city. Smart cities try to use the latest technology to improve the efficiency of our energy use to solve these problems and build a sustainable city and society. This article explores the connotation of smart cities by observing the purpose and history of the development of smart cities in the world′s major countries. Observe the role of cars in smart cities to speculate on the possible future direction of the automotive industry. I hope that I can provide some opinions for those who are interested in this field.en_US
DC.subjectSmart Cityen_US
DC.subjectAutomobile Industryen_US
DC.subjectIndustrial Policyen_US
DC.subjectNew Energy Vehiclesen_US
DC.subjectLow Carbonen_US
DC.title智慧城市概念下 台灣汽車產業之展望zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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