博碩士論文 102451024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorBi-Fen Weien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract面臨出口表現衰退,企業能在國際商業競爭中活躍且變化多端下成功 脫穎而出,必定有充分之資源作其後盾,舉凡需有足夠的資金,優秀的人才,先端地設計技術等。 隨著全球化的競爭趨勢以及急促變化的經營環境,因應紅色供應鏈的 崛起,企業選擇跨越國界合資經營,蔚為世界的趨勢。藉由國際間的合作,可以多角化的資源及低成本克服某些貿易障礙,降低營運風險,進而創造最佳的國際合資事業績效。 在探討國際合資企業主導性業務之管理機制應用,因應各不同屬性的合資業務,探討實務對於各方面之管理機制。合資企業雙方母公司,在初期可能因其所擁有的資源及能力,而取得較優勢之主導權,但於長期合作之下,雙方因潛在的相互制約,此情況將愈趨於平等。若此合資對於母公司有策略性的目標,母公司將會更積極的參與決策過程,並在合資中盡可能的汲取相關資源。 雖日資企業與台?經濟持有深遠的關係,社會文化價值、管理方式、 組織文化、思考行為方式等不同的台灣人與日本人一起工作,本研究藉以此探討,跨國合作將影響台灣母公司有何變化效益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFacing the export decreased. Enterprise with sufficient resources will success in the worldwide commercial competition. The recourses can be sufficient funds, excellent employees, advanced technologies,etc. In the era of global competition and rapidly change commercial environment, global joint ventures have been the worldwide trend for enterprises to against Red Supply Chain. By cooperating globally, enterprises can overcome the trading obstacles with multiple resources and low cost. And reduce the business risks. By doing so, global joint ventures can make the best effectiveness. Discuss the mechanism of management for leading business of the global joint ventures. And have the discussion of practical management aspects toward different joint venture of vary businesses.Two mother companies of the joint venture may possess advantages with certain resources and abilities. But after long term cooperation and potential binding between the two, positions of the two mother companies will become fairer. If the joint venture was set up for the purpose of strategy, mother companies will participate actively.And try to get more relative resources from the joint venture as possible. Japanese owned enterprise has the profound relationship with Taiwan economics. But how do Japanese and Taiwanese work together with the differences for the social culture, social values,management, culture of association, thinking pattern, etc. This research will discuss about how global collaboration affect Taiwan mother companies and the changes of effectiveness.en_US
DC.titleAnalysis of Performance Effection of Joint Venture Company to Its Mother Companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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