博碩士論文 102454019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-lung Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract我國於2012年正式成立文化部並專責管理文化創意產業發展業務;國家政策在文創產業的法制上給予正式定位。早於1995年由文建會研討會時提出文化產業概念,並歷經多次管轄主管機關的變動及對文化創意產業之範疇的界定;時至今日在文化部成立後給予此新型態文創產業的高度重視,並將其規劃為臺灣未來重要的經濟軟實力。   文創產業發展過程當中,籌措營運資金的過程及資金獲得的管道有著舉足輕重的角色;金融機構的資金融資亦是廠商發展的關鍵因素。本研究採用2004年至2014年共十一年資料,透過中小企業信保基金的保證額度統計,以及文化部對於文創產業的營業額統計,並探討其他經濟變數對文創產業產值的影響程度。   本研究分析使用普通最小平方法(Ordinary Least Squares,簡稱OLS)進行研究,及以一階自我迴歸過程﹝AR(1)﹞進行檢定;模型中分別就金融機構融資額度、文創廠商家數、消費者信用貸款餘額、美元匯率、台股指數、文創娛樂類別消費者物價指數及失業率等變數,進行分析對文創產值的相關影響。實證研究結果發現,金融機構融資金額對於文創產業產值影響皆為顯著,其中又以落後二期之顯著效果優於當期效果;其他研究變數中則以文創廠商家數與文創產業經常性薪資對文創產值具顯著效果。另研究中探討年趨勢效果發現,於近五年與文創產值為負向關係,且具高度顯著性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract Starting from year 2012, the Ministry of Culture was officially established, tasked with the management and the development of the cultural and creative industry, which has been endowed with official recognition henceforward. In the year 1995, the importance of the development of the culture and creative industry was first proposed by the Council of Cultural Affairs, currently known as Ministry of Culture, and now has been highly valued and sought by current Ministry, treated as one of the most important economic soft power for Taiwan in the future. The process and the channel of the operation funding that can be raised through plays an important part in the development of the cultural and creative industry. The financing from financial institutions also plays a key role in the development of the companies in the industry. In this research, the utilized data set extends for 11 years, from year 2004 to 2014, which is based on the statistics on the SMEG credit issuance and the revenue of the industry observed by the Ministry of Culture, combined with the degree of the influences from other economic elements. The conducted research utilizes the Ordinary Least Squares model(OLS), and inspected with autoregressive process of order oneAR(1), to analyze the industrial output related to the variables including credit issuance from financial institutions, the number of companies in the industry, personal loan balance, US dollar exchange rate, Taiwan stock index, CPI related to cultural and entertainment, and unemployment ratio. This research finds that the credit issuance from financial institutions has most significant influence on the industrial output with deferred periodical effects. In terms of other variables, both the number of companies in the industry and industrial average recurrent salaries have significant influence. Also, the trend analysis on the industrial output in the past five years shows negative relationship and is highly significant.en_US
DC.subjectcultural and creative industryen_US
DC.subjectSmall and Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fund of Taiwan(SMEG)en_US
DC.subjectOrdinary Least Squares model(OLS)en_US
DC.subjectautoregressive process of order one (AR(1))en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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