博碩士論文 102456018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYen-Wen Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract車輛產業發展一百多年至今,科技不斷的精進,也連帶影響汽車零件供應鏈產業的發展,世界各大品牌的車輛中,車輛內部的電子零組件占比已經由過去數十年的 10~20%,上升至現今 30~40%「車子已成為家、生活、辦公室的延伸」。目前科技產品的發展從消費性電子延伸至車輛,帶來車輛產業的轉型,產業結構上從過去傳統製造業轉變成高科技產業,如今消費者對汽車的期望也由原先單純的代步交通工具外,演變成為智慧車輛功能如更省時,安全,娛樂,永續發展可替代能源汽車等需求。各大車廠與零件供應商莫不摩拳擦掌,尋思更多商機及前景,努力朝向潔淨動能與智慧車輛的方向發展,這帶來了一種全球研發全球供應的導向,所有汽車產業一同攜手搶食智慧車輛的未來商機之下,供應體系勢必擴大至全球,物流成本相對快速提高,此為二十一世紀各大車廠全新的挑戰。 個案公司為一全球汽車品牌在台灣之製造廠,進口零件比例為台灣五大車廠之首,必須面對供應商遍佈全球之下複雜的物流系統,因此如何改善現有物流系統,掌控運輸安全與效率,降低物流成本,為個案公司提升市場競爭力之首要條件。本研究以建構個案公司現有的進口物流之系統失效模式與效應分析(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis,FMEA),分析零件備料從廠商出貨到廠內之系統下單、包裝、運輸、進料點收及資訊回饋等不良現象,透過問卷設計與資料收集,找出物流系統之改善順序,並預防錯誤之發生,確保物流效率及品質。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe industry of Automotive manufacturing has developed for over hundred years, nowadays customers expect motor vehicles to be much more than just transportation, the automotive manufacturer and automotive parts manufacturer are realizing the benefits of advanced manufacturing technologies that will shape the future. To develop a smart vehicle design of safety, energy efficiency, sustainability, scientific and technological progress in smart vehicle design have been a direct effect on the automotive parts supply chain system due to the complex sources of global supply chain and logistic planning. This research mainly covers automotive parts import logistics systems, we consider the problem of the particularities of import automotive parts logistic system, (for example high import duties, dangerous good 、transportation、customs regulation、warehouse Order-picking), it is possible to cause the delay of assembly line, supply chain system failure, high cost of ineffective distribution, poor customer service quality, ultimately loss of competitive advantage. We apply Failure-Mode and Effect-Analysis (FMEA) to detect failure modes, effects and causes of import logistics processes, we use questionnaire across a wide range of departments, 10 experienced managers to consolidate common view to evaluate risks of failure modes, and we analyze integrated Failure Mode Effect of the process from ordering, logistic planning, warehouse management and Information Systems. This research results obtained in true problems of import parts logistic process and sorts the improving sequence of failure modes to prevent and control some important failure factors. In the future, this research is expected to improve process technology in the industry of automotive manufacturing.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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