博碩士論文 102456029 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMeng-yi Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 論文名稱:選擇具「大件宅配服務」之物流業者的評量模式 校所組別:國立中央大學工業管理研究所 畢業時間及提要別:一零三學年度第二學期碩士學位論文提要 指導教授:何應欽 博士 研究生:陳孟儀 關鍵字:大件宅配服務、績效評估、平衡計分卡、層級分析法 論文提要與內容: 隨著消費型態的求新求變,衍生出愈來愈多的大件宅配服務需求,陸續有物流業者已開始成立大件宅配服務部門提供大件物品宅配、安裝等各項物流服務。在競爭的物流服務巿場中,如何針對流通業者在評選具大件宅配服務的配合物流業者時,建立一套客觀的績效評估模式,協助流通業者評估選擇較優質的大件宅配物流業者,亦做為物流業者評估本身之營運績效,是具大件宅配服務的物流業者在營運管理上的重要議題。 本研究以平衡計分卡(Balance Scorecard,BSC)的四大構面為基礎,經由產業界的專家訪談及文獻探討彙整出流通業者在評選具大件宅配服務物流業者的相關準則與指標,並經由前測問卷分析的結果以確認各指標的重要性,而後利用層級分析法(Analytic hierarchy process, AHP)分析在評選具大件宅配服務物流業者的模式中,各評量構面與指標的相對權重值與重要性排序,並藉由模擬流通業者在評選具大件宅配服務的物業者之情境,驗證本評選模式於實務中運作之可行性。 本研究分析結果顯示流通業者在評選具大件宅配服務的業者時,所重視的評量構面依序為「顧客構面」、「內部流程構面」、「學習與成長構面」及「財務構面」。依據前十大評量指標,依序為「緊急事件處理能力」、「顧客的滿意度」、「客服窗口聯繫便利性」、「快速回應顧客問題」、「客服人員的專業態度」、「大件宅配安裝前之聯繫服務」、「貨品宅配時間掌握能力」、「維持互動良好的顧客關係」、「宅配安裝人員的專業態度」和「大件宅配服務所涵蓋的區域範圍」。依據驗證結果顯示,本研究所建立之評量結果在實務中是可以運作的。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Along with the novelty aspiration of consumption patterns, there is an increasing number service demand of big-goods home delivery, and increasingly more logistics service providers have begun to set up with big-goods home delivery service departments who provide big-goods logistics services such as home delivery and installation. In the competitive logistics services market, how distributor to select a big-goods home delivery service with the following aspects become an important issue for the operation management of distributor: to establish a set of objective performance evaluation model, and to help the distributor to choose a better logistics service provider by evaluation, that is the operating performance of logistics service provider itself. This study used the four dimensions of balanced Scorecard (the Balance Scorecard, BSC) as the foundation, and summarized the related criteria and indicators of distributor when choosing the big-goods home delivery logistics service based on the industry experts interview and literature review. And according the results of a pretest questionnaire analysis to confirm the importance of each index, then using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to analyze the relative weight value of each evaluation dimensions and importance ranking in the selection model of big-goods home delivery logistics service providers. Lastly, through the stimulant situation of distributor in the selection of big-goods home delivery service to verify the feasibility of this selection mode in practical operation. This research analysis results show that distributor′s selection of big-goods home delivery service providers value the importance of the evaluation dimensions in order to "customer dimension", "internal process dimension", "learning and growing dimension" and "financial dimension". On the basis of the top 10 evaluation indicators, the order goes to "emergency handling ability", "customer satisfaction", "customer service window contact convenience", "rapid response to customer problems", "professional attitude of customer service staff", "before-installation contact service", "time control ability of big-goods home delivery", "maintaining good interactive customer relationship", "professional attitude of installation personnel" and "covering area of big-goods home delivery service" . Based on the validation results, it shows that the evaluation model of this research are workable in the practical application. Key words: Big-goods home delivery service, Performance evaluation, Balance Scorecard, Analytic Hierarchy Process en_US
DC.subjectBig-goods home delivery serviceen_US
DC.subjectPerformance evaluationen_US
DC.subjectBlance Scorecarden_US
DC.subjectAnalytic Hierarchy Processen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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