博碩士論文 102523601 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorRubbens Boisguénéen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract物聯網是近來備受關注的新研究領域之一,在未來的蜂巢式通信中也是一項別具前景的技術。第三代合作夥伴項目(3GPP)組織定義機器類型通信(MTC),以加強支持M2M設備。 為滿足行動通訊業者的需求,MTC將被允許使用在大量不同的系統中,因此,MTC的應用正在迅速增加。隨著許多優點到來,同時也出現了一些流量容納的問題, 如MTC裝置的ID以及所需傳遞的資訊數據。 因此,本文提出一個裝置排程式分群方法以最小化所需設備ID的數量和信令的開銷。分組設備共用一個ID同時依序連接到網絡去執行特定的應用程序,這將允許大量的MTC設備可以由網絡同時驗證,並與網絡開發自己的獨立的會話密鑰。應用程序在執行不同目的的任務時會同時考慮時間限制和任務的相依性。由於MTC裝置的數量正快速增加,此方法將會有效地減少MTC裝置的ID以及訊號的流量.在制定一個整數規劃問題之下,這個問題可以被對應到變形的裝箱問題。此外,一個典型的擬合算法被進一步開發以確保更好的效果。 通過演算法性能的模擬測試,此模擬表明,此分群方法在MTC的應用上面有著好的系統性能。性能通過採用經典擬合算法在ID的數量上達到超過43.9%至90%以上的減少。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMachine-to-machine (M2M) communications, one of the latest research areas that has recently attracted much attention. It is one of the most promising technology for the future of cellular communications. The third Generation Partnership Projects (3GPP) organization defines Machine Type Communications (MTC) to enhance support of M2M devices. The application of MTC communication is rapidly increasing as it is becoming available for a large number of systems due to its increasing demand among cellular network operators. While coming with many advantages, many challenges arise as it become very difficult to accommodate data as well as to signal traffic from this very large and constantly growing number of MTC devices. Also, this tremendous technology has application in M2M communications for providing wireless broadband communications to various other systems. Metering, traffic security on roads and customers electronic devices are some of the many examples where MTC devices are connected with a dedicated serving network capability through this dynamic network. This growth resulted in extra demand for the limited numbering and addressing resources used in the wireless cellular networks. Standardization efforts that has occurred recently in the 3GPP increased the attraction towards the Long Term Evolution (LTE) system. This is mainly due to LTE’s efficiency as a radio access technology for a large number of devices and applications. This system is yet to be optimized for supporting various traffic profiles. Usually, MTC devices perform tasks in a very short time interval and there are Mobile Subscriber ISDNs that address an MTC device.This is mainly due to LTE’s efficiency as a radio access technology for a large number of devices and applications. This system is yet to be optimized for supporting various traffic profiles. Usually, MTC devices perform tasks in a very short time interval and there are Mobile Subscriber ISDNs that address an MTC device. According to the present 3GPP standards, when many MTC devices are connected simultaneously to a network, all of them should implement their independent access authentication process. Thus among other issues like security and standardization; achieving an efficient device identifier (ID) management and signaling is challenging. Therefore, in this paper, a scheduled device grouping scheme is proposed to minimize the number of required device IDs and signaling overhead. The grouped devices share one ID while sequentially attaching to the network to execute application specific tasks. This will allow a great deal of MTC devices to be authenticated simultaneously by the network and develop their own independent session keys with the network. Applications with various goals are fulfilled considering expiration time and task dependency. This will ensure a reduction of IDs and signaling traffic of MTC devices as the number of MTC devices are increasing rapidly. Beyond formulating an integer programming problem, the issue is mapped into a variation of bin packing problem. A classic fitting algorithm is further developed in order to ensure better results. The performance of the system is tested by the simulation experiments. These simulations shows that the group based procedures for MTC communication devices is highly efficient in ensuring better system performance. The performance reaches more than 43.9\% to more than 90\% ID reduction by adopting a classic fitting algorithm. en_US
DC.subjectMachine-Type Communication (MTC)en_US
DC.subjectID sharingen_US
DC.subjectInternet of Thingsen_US
DC.subjectBin Packingen_US
DC.title適用於 MTC 裝置 ID 共享情境之排程式分群方法zh_TW
DC.titleA Scheduled Grouping Scheme for MTC Device ID Sharingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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