博碩士論文 102552021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-Wen Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract智慧工廠(Smart Factory)在實現工業4.0概念中扮演重要的角色。工業物聯網(Industrial Internet of Things, Industrial IoT或IIoT)在智慧工廠中被用以連結生產線上的各式設備或系統,例如感應裝置、生產機器人、現場總線設備、人機介面及資料採集與監控系統等。物聯網可以即時蒐集生產線數據,將其傳遞至後端的生產製造及企業資源管理等系統,使這些後端系統可以編排合理的生產計畫與生產進度,並控制生設備進行生產,讓工廠成為具有適應性與高效率的先進製造中心。本研究提出一個用於智慧工廠的工業物聯網閘道器設計,讓工廠內外設備或系統可以連結此閘道器,達成以下設計目標: (1) 轉換多個通訊協議,讓不同通訊協議的設備彼此可以互操作。(2) 提高整體系統穩定性,讓不同架構與運算能力的子系統彼此可以適應配合。(3) 提供資料建模功能,讓設備數據轉化為有意義的資訊模型。(4) 提供水平的資料傳遞架構,能夠分享設備的訊息給多個系統。(5) 加強工廠內設備資料的資訊安全性,提供網路通訊的身份驗證與訊息加密功能。本研究在設計的功能上規劃支援OPC UA、Modbus、MQTT、CoAP等通訊協議,用來代表工業標準、現場匯流排、物聯網等通訊協議的轉換應用。並且將上述設計目標與功能實作在一台樹莓派(Raspberry Pi B+)上做為閘道器。經過測試與驗證,閘道器可以符合設計目標,減少多種系統一起整合的難度,保持連結設備的穩定性,提供建模功能給需要的資訊系統,增加設備訊息傳遞效率。最後改善部分通訊協議安全性不足問題,保護工廠內設備不被外部網路惡意攻擊與防止機密資訊被竊取。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe smart factory plays an important role in realizing the Industry 4.0 concept. The Industrial Internet of Things (Industrial IoT or IIoT) is used in smart factories to connect devices or systems on production lines, such as sensing devices, robots, fieldbus devices, the human machine interface (HMI), and the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. It aims to collect real-time data of production lines and transmit the data to back-end production systems and enterprise resource management systems to enable these back-end systems to arrange production plans and schedules reasonably and make factories advance toward the manufacturing center with adaptability and high efficiency. This study proposes the design of an industrial IoT gateway for the smart factory to connect internal and external devices/systems of the factory. The design goals are fivefold and are shown below. (1) To translate multiple communication protocols so that devices using different protocols can interoperate with each other. (2) To improve the overall stability of the system so that subsystems of different architectures and computation models can be adapted to fit each other. (3) To provide data modeling capabilities so that data can be converted into meaningful information models. (4) To provide a horizontal data delivery architecture so that messages of a device can be shared with multiple systems. (5) To strengthen the data security of devices within the factory by using authentication and message encryption.The proposed design is supposed to support OPC UA, Modbus, MQTT, and CoAP communication protocols to be suitable for applications needing conversion between industry standards, fieldbus protocols, and IoT communication protocols. All design goals of the IIoT gateway are realized in a single-board computer, Raspberry Pi B+. Through testing and verification, it is shown that the realized gateway can meet all goals. It can reduce the difficulty of integrating multiple systems, maintain the stability of linked devices, provide information systems with modeling capabilities, and increases device message delivering efficiency. The last but not the least, it mitigates the problems associated with the lack of security considerations of some protocols so that factory devices are protected from malicious attacks and confidential information is prevented from theft.en_US
DC.subjectOPC UAzh_TW
DC.subjectSmart Factoryen_US
DC.subjectOPC UAen_US
DC.titleIndustrial IoT Gateway Design and Implementation for Smart Factoriesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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