博碩士論文 102622021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMosi Caien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract二氧化碳地質封存是將二氧化碳灌注至地下深處岩層,藉由物理和化學的機制將其封存在地層中。了解地下岩性分布,並選擇適當的二氧化碳封存層及蓋層,對二氧化碳封存至關重要。本研究利用井測資料了解臺灣中部地區台西盆地之地下地層及構造分布,評估研究區域適當的二氧化碳封存系統。 基於二氧化碳儲集層(封存層)及蓋層的厚度及深度分布,研究結果顯示臺灣中部陸海域由淺至深可分成三個封存系統,分別為:(1)晚期中新世至上新世之南莊層暨桂竹林層(儲集層)-錦水頁岩(蓋層)系統(簡稱NK-C系統)、(2)早期至中期中新世之石底層暨北寮層(儲集層)-打鹿頁岩(蓋層)系統(簡稱SP-T系統)、(3)晚期漸新世至早期中新世五指山層暨木山層(儲集層)-碧靈頁岩(蓋層)系統(簡稱WM-P系統)。   根據前述三系統之儲集層或蓋層的岩性及深度分部,評估適當封存區域,NK-C封存系統於西部外海深度淺於800公尺、SP-T封存系統於台西外海深度淺於800公尺、SP-T和M-P封存系統於烏溪出海口北岸附近,深度大於3000公尺,前述區域不適於二氧化碳封存,其餘位置之各系統深度皆適於CO2封存。然而NK-C封存系統於彰濱工業區場址以南的錦水頁岩含有大量砂岩,不適合成為好的蓋層,無法封存大量二氧化碳。根據研究結果選定四座潛在CO2封存場址(由北而南分別為台中電廠場址、彰濱工業區場址、王功場址及麥寮電廠場址)。台中電廠場址以NK-C封存系統最利於CO2封存、彰濱工業區場址適用SP-T封存系統、麥寮電廠場址適用SP-T封存系統、王功場址適用較多系統(SP-T封存系統及WM-P封存系統),為臺灣中西部濱海區最具優勢CO2封存場址。本研究利用美國能源部評估方法,計算研究區域CO2封存量,結果顯示,NK-C封存系統總封存量大約35.4億噸,SP-T封存系統總封存量大約27.1億噸,M-P封存系統總封存量大約58.2億噸。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGeological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) is to inject and store a large amount of anthropogenic CO2 in deep and sealed porous rocks in order to mitigate the aggravated threat of global warning. Borehole data are used to understand the spatial distribution of suitable CO2 reservoirs and cap rocks in the Taihsi Basin, central Taiwan, where the level of seismicity is low. Spatial distribution of formation thickness and depth for CO2 reservoirs and cap rocks indicates three CO2 storage systems existed in the study area. They are: (1) late Miocene to Pliocene Nanchuang Formation and Kueichulin Formation (reservoirs)-Chinshui Shale (cap rocks) system (hereafter abbreviated as NK-C system), (2) early to middle Miocene Shihti Formation and Peiliao Formation (reservoirs)-Talu Shale (cap rocks) system (SP-T system), (3) late Oligocene to early Miocene Wuchishan Formation and Mushan Formation (reservoirs)-Piling Shale (cap rocks) system (WM-P system). According to distributions of depth for reservoirs and cap rocks, we assess appropriate areas for CO2 storage. Depth of reservoirs for NK-C system in the west of the study area, and depth of reservoirs for SP-T system offshore Mai-liao power plant is shallower than 800 m which are not suitable for CO2 storage. North of the study area and close to the Wu River, reservoirs for WM-P system and SP-T system reach a depth more than 3000 m, a depth too deep for storing CO2 economically. The areas mentioned foregoing are not suitable for CO2 storage, and others are applicable. However, for NK-C system, the cap rocks (i.e. the Chinshui Shale) become sand-prone due to facies changes, leading to fail to retard great amounts of CO2 underground in the south of Chang-Bin Site. There are four sites (Taichung Power Plant Site, Chang-Bin Site, Wong-gong Site and Mai-Liao Power Plant Site from north to south) considerably suitable to retard CO2 underground. Taichung Power Plant Site is suitable for NK-C system, Chang-Bin Site is suitable for SP-T system, Mai-Liao Power Plant Site is suitable for SP-T system and Wong-gong site is most prominent which can be applied to more storage system (SP-T and WM-P system). By USDOE assessment, calculated results of storage resource for CO2 show that total storage resource is about 3.54Gt, 2.71Gt and 5.82Gt for NK-C system, SP-T system and M-P system respectively.en_US
DC.subjectGeological storageen_US
DC.subjectcarbon dioxideen_US
DC.subjectChinshui Shaleen_US
DC.titleAn Assessment on CO2 Geosequestration Systems in the Taihsi Basin, Central Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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