博碩士論文 102724010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorGuan-Zhong Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 根據聯合國貿易及發展委員會之統計全球國際貿易約有80%是經由海上運送來進行,航運的發展不僅影響了運送業之發展,更間接地影響了整個國家經濟之走向,因此一國之經濟得否穩定循序的向上發展,仍端視著該國航運產業經營環境是否健全。此種論點放諸於我國的經濟發展更加為顯著,蓋我國乃為四面環海的海島型國家,對於國際貿易之依賴性相對更加強烈,因此航運業的發展與我國經濟發展間即有著密不可分之互動關係。 如何有效地降低經營成本及風險控管為企業經營者營運公司最為重要的課題,蓋其牽動與影響著該類事業活動之發展,是以如何建構一個完善適足的風險控管環境,即為航運業發展順暢與否的首要課題。對此,海上事業經營者之營運風險控管制度,莫過於船舶所有人於海難發生時主張「責任限制」,及船舶所有人透過「投保保險」來免除、降低或轉嫁其於海上經營所承擔之風險二者。前者係指船舶所有人於海難事故發生時,透過法規範所明定之免責事項,降低或免除船舶所有人所應承擔之責任;而對於後者係指透過保險分散風險之方式,將海上事業經營者的風險轉嫁予保險人承擔,進而免除或降低船舶所有人所應承擔之責任。 有關於保險制度方面,現行承擔船舶所有人營運責任的保險類型,以防護及補償保險為主,而其係由船舶所有人自行組成的防護及補償協會所提供,惟我國目前尚未有防護及補償協會此等組織存在或設立,致使我國船舶所有人須向國外的協會承保,並不利於我國海上事業與國家經濟實力之發展。於此本文認我國似可透過相互保險公司此類組織型態加以建構之。另外關於船舶所有人責任限制部分,其不僅降低甚或免除海上事業經營者之責任風險,亦左右著海上責任保險人所需承擔之風險及保險契約標的之內涵,蓋按防護及補償協會承保規則約定,船舶所有人面臨第三人請求損害賠償時,須主動主張船舶所有人責任限制,以減輕或免除自身賠償責任及協會所需承擔之風險,並且協會僅就船舶所有人依法所需負擔之責任為保險之範疇,對於逾越法定責任範疇以外之風險,協會均不予承保之亦不負擔該責任轉嫁,是以責任限制之制度對於海上事業經營者風險之控制與評估甚為重要。 故而,本文希冀透過對船舶所有人責任限制之研析與防護及補償協會之探討,將船舶所有人免除與轉嫁營運風險的制度為完整且全面性之研擬,並藉以提出未來協會於我國建構的研擬建議,而為我國船舶所有人提供與建構更為良善之經營環境。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, about 80% of global international trade is carried out by maritime transport. The development of shipping not only affects the development of transportation industry but also indirectly affects the trend of the whole economy. Therefore, whether the economy is stably and gradually developing, still depends on the sound operating environment of the shipping industry. This argument significant when applying to the economy of our country, as we are an island-type country, which results in a greater dependence on international trade. Therefore, the development of the maritime transport is inextricably linked with the economic development of the country. How to effectively lower the operating cost and risk control are the major topics for company operation, as they will affect the company’s business activities. As for maritime transport, establishing a perfect risk control environment is the number one objective of the industry. The risk control system of the marine company undertakes no more than the claim of the limitation of liability by the shipowners during the incident of a shipwreck, and the exemption, reduction or transference of the risks to the Marine Insurer through obtaining insurance. In regard to the insurance system, the existing insurance type that bear the responsibility for the operation of the shipowners is known as the Protection and Indemnity Insurance, which is provided by the Protection and Indemnity Club. However, in our country there is no such association, which leads to the shipowners seeking the underwriting of the insurance from foreign associations(clubs), and this is definitely unfavorable to the development of our maritime and economy. Therefore, we considered the idea that the country can form such association through Mutual Insurance Companies. As for the Limitation of Shipowners’ Liability, it is not only to reduce the liability risk of the marine business operators, but also to control the risks and the contents of the insurance contract. In other word, the system of limitation of liability is very important to the risk controlling and evaluation of the marine business operators. In the paper, we will be analyzing the Limitation of Shipowners’ Liability and discussing the Protection and Indemnity Club, in which to further solidify the system for the exemption or transference of risks. In addition, we will make a proposal for the adaptation of such club into our country and the improvement it may bring to the operation environment for our shipowners. en_US
DC.subjectRisk Controlen_US
DC.subjectMutual Insurance Companyen_US
DC.subjectProtection and Indemnity Insuranceen_US
DC.subjectThe Limitation of Shipowners’ Liabilityen_US
DC.titleThe Responsibility Control System of Shipowner Focused on the Construction of Protection and Indemnity Insuranceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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