博碩士論文 102728004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorBi-Chen Loen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract「客家婚、喪禮俗詞彙」,是指客家人在婚姻、喪葬儀節與習俗活動中使用的用語詞,以沿襲古代《儀禮》、《禮記》、《周禮》中婚、喪禮俗詞彙為基礎。婚、喪活動,是人生中重要的過渡,不管是遠古的父母之命、媒妁之言,到現代的自由戀愛成婚,或是喪葬禮俗中,傳統社會殷殷期盼的「合兩姓之好」、「百子千孫」、「長命百歲」,在在都由婚、喪禮俗的儀式中充分表現。做為生命中最重要的結婚與喪葬禮俗儀節詞彙,在近代工商業發達,時間就是金錢、速食文化充斥、社會瀰漫著外在形式,卻缺乏內在精神的禮俗文化,使傳統婚、喪禮俗失去原有的意義與價值。所幸,客家族群注重傳統儀節,優化了原本的習俗詞彙,帶著濃厚的教化意義,沉浸於禮俗儀節之中,依然承先啟後、承擔與負重。 傳統婚、喪禮俗文化的轉變,包含:主婚權的下移、配偶的選擇由被動趨於主動、婚姻的目的改變、媒妁制度沒落、婚俗儀節由繁而簡;喪葬俗中的輕養隆喪葬,其內在意涵逐漸消失等。以其內在意涵言:多和生男、圓滿、長壽、富貴、功名等民間期望、以及社會政治、經濟、不同文化融合及個人價值觀等因素有關;處禮婚、喪事宜之基本概念,為人子孫者不能不知,今日的客家,可說在傳統禮俗的基礎上,發展出另一套適應當代的婚、喪禮俗模式,世代交替,也將因長輩的凋零,逐漸失去學習與諮詢的對象,因此,今後如何使年輕一代瞭解客家傳統婚、喪禮俗文化的核心意涵,將是值得努力的重要課題。 本論文討論客家婚、喪禮俗詞彙以楊梅、新屋、觀音為例,就以本地區海陸腔客家婚、喪禮俗詞彙使用狀況,詞彙反映文化內涵加以分析。婚姻禮俗拆解為婚前階段、正婚禮、婚後階段以及婚俗中的委婉語與禁忌詞彙。喪葬禮俗則以臨終禮俗詞彙至喪葬祭祀、禁忌等詞彙,加以敘述。研究目的是希望做較全面性的蒐集整理,釐清婚、喪禮俗詞彙,探究其存在及使用的意義,加以分類探討,藉由古禮、經典的比對以了解詞彙狀況,希望對社會有所助益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract This thesis is about the progression of "Hakka marriage and funeral custom vocabulary", which refers to the terms used by the Hakka people in marriage, funeral ceremonies and related activities. This vocabulary basically follows the classic Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial, Book of Rites, and Rites of Zhou. Marriage and funeral activities are important transitions in life. Whether it is the order of ancient parents, the words of matchmakers, to modern free love and marriage, or the funeral customs, traditional society is eagerly awaiting "the goodness of two surnames", "One hundred children and a thousand grandchildren", "Longevity for a hundred years". In a modern society like Taiwan, the traditional marriage and funeral customs face many changes, some of its original meaning and value is being lost. Fortunately, the Hakka people pays attention to traditional rituals, optimizes the original custom vocabulary, and immerses in the etiquette festivals with a strong enlightenment meaning, and still inherits the responsibility and the burden of the family. The transformation of traditional marriage and funeral customs and culture includes: the downward shift of the right to marry, the choice of spouse from passive to active, the purpose of marriage is changed, the matchmaking system has declined, the wedding and funeral ceremonies have changed from complicated to more simple. These rituals reflect people′s expectations such as having a male heir, consummation, longevity, wealth and fame. There are also other factors to affect the rituals such as socio-political, economical, and personal values. Today’s Hakkas can be said to have developed a distinctive set of marriage and funeral patterns adapted to contemporary customs on the basis of traditional etiquette and customs. The traditional usage and vocabulary of the older generation will be lost unless being consulted and duly recorded. In the future, how to make the younger generation understand the core meaning of Hakka traditional marriage and funeral culture will be an important topic worthy of efforts. This thesis discusses Hakka marriage and funeral custom vocabulary. The fieldwork area includes Yangmei, Xinwu, and Guanyin districts in the Taoyuan Municipality. We analyze the usage of Hakka marriage and funeral custom vocabulary in the Hailu dialect and its cultural connotation. Marriage etiquette and customs are classified according to the different stages in the marriage ritual processes. The funeral rituals are described in terms of dying rites to funeral sacrifices and taboos. The purpose of this research is to do a more comprehensive collection and also to sort out and clarify the lexicon of marriage iii and funeral customs, to explore the meaning of their existence and use. And we also carry out a comparison between ancient classics and modern Hakka ritual to show the similarities and differences. Keywords: Hakka, marriage, funeral, etiquette, vocabularyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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