博碩士論文 102757018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 四堡鄉位於連城縣内最北、偏僻的山區小鎮,舊稱閩西古汀洲四堡;不管在地緣及歷史來源上都與長汀、連城、清流和寧化四縣關係密切。雖於1951年就劃歸連城轄下,對連城與四堡居民間的溝通交流,仍不是件簡單的事。又由於此處曾是畲族祖居之地,語音上夾雜底層成分易是十分平常之事,所以在這樣的地理環境及歷史背景下,形塑了四堡客家話的獨特的語言樣貌。 本文從歷史比較的角度,參照中古音系,從聲母、韻母、聲調方面進行四堡客家話的音韻研究為主,並輔以詞彙作初步探討。本論文主要分為六個章節,第一章緒論,除了說明研究動機、目的外,也大致介紹連城境內的語音概況和四堡的地理、人文環境,並對閩西、連城客家話相關研究文獻進行回顧。第二章是四堡客家化的語音系統,包含聲、韻、調和連讀變調、文白異讀的介紹。第三章是四堡客家話與中古音韻的比較,透過古、今音的對應,觀察四堡客家話從古到今的語音演變。第四章延續第三章的語音基礎呈現四堡客家話的語音特色,第五章透過當地的特殊詞彙說明與連城內部方言點詞彙的比較,觀察四堡客家話詞彙的特色,兼有南、北客家話詞彙及豐富的詞綴。從地理語言學的觀點,寧化、清流南下的移民在四堡分流,往西、南進入長汀地界,向東挺入連城境內;語音的發展自此呈現不同變化,四堡話變化不大,且與寧化、清流及長汀的音韻發展較為接近,而連城境內各小片的音韻發展速度則相對較快、較大。第六章為本文之結論,以本文的研究成果,提出檢討與建議的報告。 關鍵字:閩西方言、連城客家話、四堡客家話、音韻特點、唇齒音zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Sibao Township is in the mountain area which is located in the most northern part of Liancheng County, formerly known as Old Tingzhou Sibao, Western Fujian Province. Its geographical and historical sources are closely associated with Changting, Liancheng, Qingliu, and Ninghua County. Although Sibao Township was allocated in Liancheng County in 1951, it is still hard for their residents to communicate between Sibao Township and Liancheng County. Moreover, it was once the home of the She Tribe, the phonological features are commonly mixed with their language bases. Therefore, the unique language appearance of Sibao Hakka dialect has been formed due to such a special geographical environment and historical background. The study mainly focuses on researching the initials, finals and tones of Sibao Hakka dialect, from the perspective of historical comparison and referring to the Middle Chinese phonology. This study is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction of motivation and purpose, including a brief phonological overview in Liancheng County, consisting of the cultural and geographical background of Sibao Township. The literature review of Chinese dialect, Hakka dialect, and Hakka dialect of Liancheng County, Western Fujian Province are shown as well. The second chapter represents the phonetic system of Sibao Township Hakka dialect, including the initials, finals, tones, the special tone sandhi, and the differing literary and colloquial readings of certain Chinese characters. In the third chapter, a comparison is made between Sibao Township Hakka dialect and the Middle Chinese phonology to discuss the sound evolvement and development of Sibao Township Hakka dialect. The fourth chapter represents the features of Sibao Township Hakka dialect, based on the phonetic system shown in the third chapter. The fifth chapter demonstrates the study of vocabulary characteristics and the comparison among other sites of Hakka dialects in Liancheng County. The last chapter is the conclusion of the study results, as well as the examination and suggestions of the study. Keywords: Western Fujian dialect,Liancheng Hakka dialect, Sibao Hakka dialect, Phonological features, Labiodentalen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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