博碩士論文 103123006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHung-Hsin Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract倒裝(Inversion)為本研究主要的方向,我們從引發倒裝的元素(déclencheur)開始看起,其中包含各式動詞、補語以及句型副詞等。在這些元素當中,我們選擇句型副詞為本論文研究的主角,又尤其是句型副詞ainsi,因為從蒐集語料的過程當中,發現這個副詞同時擁有ㄧ些句法上或是語意上有趣的研究主題。 我們從倒裝句型的分類開始著手,並且加入了一個次分類在複雜倒裝句(Inversion complexe)下,我們稱之為主題複雜倒裝句(Inversion complexe avec de(s) topique(s))。由此分析,讓我們能夠分辨出在複雜倒裝句中,在動詞後方的代名詞(pronom)為主詞,而動詞前面的名詞(élément nominal)為一個主題(topique)。 接著,在觀察副詞ainsi 位移的過程時,我們發現其過程類似於疑問詞(qui, que, quand以及 comment)的位移;事實上,這個副詞以及上述的這些疑問詞都能夠在位移之前,有一個直述的句型,另外,相較於其他的句型副詞以及疑問詞pourquoi,他們也大多配合著簡單名詞倒裝(Inversion simple nominale)形式。 如同我們知道,這個句型副詞ainsi在不同的上下文,能夠擁有五種不同的詮釋:方法(de manière)、陳述(quotatif)、結果(de conséquence)、精確(de précision)以及舉例(illustatif);我們從語料中嘗試了解,不同類型的倒裝、副詞不同的詮釋以及倒裝中各類動詞,這三者之間的交互關係。倒裝中的動詞,我們大致上區分以下這六種:及物動詞(transitif)、不及物動詞(intransitif)、反身動詞(réfléchi)、被動形式動詞(passif)、位移動詞(de mouvement)以及狀態動詞(d′état)等。 關於倒裝類型與句型副詞ainsi 詮釋的配合,我們從語料中發現只有兩種詮釋能夠配合簡單名詞倒裝:方法(de manière)以及陳述(quotatif),而五種詮釋都能配合其他兩種倒裝形式。 對於動詞類別和倒裝類型來說,我們發現不及物動詞以及反身動詞比較常配合簡單名詞倒裝,而及物動詞和狀態動詞就相對比較多是和簡單代名詞倒裝的形式;複雜倒裝句便與任一種動詞都較少配合。 接著,當我們分析五種ainsi的詮釋與各類動詞之間的關係時,我們發現方法(de manière)這個詮釋能夠配合所有的動詞種類,除了狀態動詞。而結果(de conséquence)這個詮釋能夠配合所有的動詞種類,除了反身動詞。藉由詢問法語母語人士之後發現,另外三種是比較難分辨出來的,但其中我們發現陳述(quotatif)的這個詮釋,比較常與陳述動詞配合出現,不管動詞分類是哪一個。 最後,我們觀察一個分裂句的句型:c′est ainsi que,這個句型也能夠配合倒裝,但只能配合簡單名詞倒裝;對於動詞的分類也只出現不及物動詞、反身動詞以及位移動詞。另外,這個分裂句中的句型副詞ainsi也只有方法、結果以及精確這三種詮釋。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractInversion is the main theme of this research. We begin with the examination of different types of inversion and different elements which trigger the inversion: verbs, complements and sentential adverbs. Among these triggers, we select the sentence adverb for our study and, in particularly, the adverb ainsi. The reason is that when we collect our corpus, we find that this adverb shows some specific characteristics both in syntax and semantics. We re-visit the category of inversion and add a new sub-type for the complex inversion: the complex inversion with (a) topic(s). Based on this result, we find that the subject in complex inversion is the pronoun, which comes after the verb. The nominal element in the preverbal position, on the other hand, is actually a topic. Next, we concentrate on the mechanism of the movement of the adverb ainsi. We find that it functions the same as interrogative words (qui, que, quand and comment). In fact, ainsi and those interrogative words can have a corresponding assertive form before moving to the initial position of the phrase. And they also accept better simple nominal inversion than the other sentence adverbs and the interrogative word, pourquoi. As adverb ainsi can have 5 different meanings according to the context (manière, quotatif, conséquence, précision, and illustratif), we try to understand the interaction between the types of inversion and the meanings of ainsi as well as the different classes of verbs (transitifs, intransitifs, réfléchis, passifs, de mouvement and d′état). As far as the interaction of the types of inversion and the meanings of ainsi, we find that there′re two meanings of ainsi which allows the simple nominal inversion: manière and quotatif. However, all these 5 meanings of ainsi are followed by both the simple pronominal inversion and complex inversion. When it comes to the classes of verbs, simple nominal inversion is mostly found with intransitive verbs and reflexive verbs. On the other hand, we find that stative verbs are much more likely to co-occur with the simple pronominal inversion. For the complex inversion, it shows fewer occurrences with any classes of verbs. We then examine the interaction between the classes of verbs and the meanings of ainsi, which is much more difficult to distinguish even for native speakers. As we can tell, ainsi de manière is a meaning which comes along with all the classes of verbs, except the stative verbs. Ainsi de conséquence also seems to be able to co-occur with all the classes of verbs, except reflexive verbs. As for the meaning quotatif, it is most found with declarative verbs, no matter the classes. Speaking of the meaning de précision and illustratif, these two are hard to identify when it comes to the classes of verbs. Finally, we observe a cleft structure, c′est ainsi que, which allows only simple nominal inversion. For the verbs found in the inversion, the result tells us that they can only be intransitive verbs, reflexive verbs and verbs of movement. Furthermore, the meanings of ainsi here are de manière, de conséquence, or précision. en_US
DC.subjectsentence adverben_US
DC.subjectword orderen_US
DC.titleL′inversion provoquée par des adverbes phrastiques dans la langue franaçaise : Un cas d′étude avec ainsien_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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