博碩士論文 103125002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLi-Wen Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 水利建設與產業的關聯密切,日本統治時期為推動臺灣工業化,開始把重心放在發電與公共給水系統。 臺灣水利建設1945年至1980年與政府工業政策相配合,工業政策依賴水利建設供應充足的給水、能源。「水庫」為1945年之後常見的水利建設。1956年至1964年興建的桃園石門水庫是臺灣戰後多功能水利開發的範例,其開發目的有灌溉、發電、防洪、給水、觀光。桃園境內農業、工業、民生供水都由石門水庫負責供應。石門水庫與工業的連結,著重在桃園工業區的開發,始於1953年工程規劃電廠、水廠。水庫的發電、給水兩大功能是桃園地區工業發展的支柱。1956年水庫興建對桃園工業區的開發影響甚深,從1964年至1980年間,桃園的工業區如雨後春筍成立,成立的工業區共計8處包含:龜山工業區、內壢工業區、平鎮工業區、幼獅工業區、中壢工業區、大園工業區、觀音工業區、林口工三工業區。桃園自石門水庫竣工後桃園產業型態由農業逐漸轉型至工業,從農業到食品、紡織工業的興起,1980年起由傳統工業轉型讓桃園邁入高科技電子、半導體產業,爾後桃園因地方建設及工業產值大增,躍居為工商城市。 關鍵字:石門水庫、工業用水、水利、桃園工業zh_TW
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Water conservancy construction is closely related to industrial development. During the period of Japanese rule, the Office of the Taiwan Governor-General focused on power generation and public water supply systems to promote Taiwan’s industrialization. Taiwan’s water conservancy constructions from 1945 to 1980 coordinated with the government industrial policies then, with industries being reliant on water conservancy construction for sufficient water and energy supply. “Reservoir Dam” became common water conservancy projects from 1945, with the Shihmen Reservoir in Taoyuan which started construction in 1956 of postwar multipurpose water conservancy development in Taiwan. The development objectives of the Shimen Reservoir included irrigation, power generation, flood control, water supply, and sightseeing, Now the reservoir became responsible for agricultural, industrial, and household water supply in the Taoyuan region. The link between the Shihmen Reservoir and industry focused on the development of the Taoyuan Industrial Park, which began with the planning of power plants and water treatment plants in 1953. The power generation and water supply functions of the reservoir are the pillars of industrial development in Taoyuan. The construction of the reservoir in 1956 had a profound effect on the development of Taoyuan Industrial Park, and industrial parks were established in rapid succession in Taoyuan between 1964 and 1980. A total of eight industrial parks were established: Guishan Industrial Park, Neili Industrial Park, Pingzhen Industrial Park, Youshi Industrial Park, Zhongli Industrial Park, Dayuan Industrial Park, Guanyin Industrial Park, and Linkou Industrial Park. After the completion of the Shimen Reservoir, Taoyuan’s economic pattern gradually changed from agriculture to industry, with traditional enterprises such as agriculture, food, and textiles gradually transitioning into high-tech electronics and semiconductors in 1980. Subsequently, Taoyuan emerged as a commercial and industrial city as a result of local construction and increased industrial output. Key Words: Shimen Reservior,Industrial Water, Water Conservancy,Taoyuan Industry.en_US
DC.subjectShimen Reservioren_US
DC.subjectTaoyuan industryen_US
DC.subjectIndustrial wateren_US
DC.subjectWater Conservancyen_US
DC.title臺灣戰後水利興建與工業─ 以石門水庫為例(1945-1980)zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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