博碩士論文 103181001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文旨在從陸德明《經典釋文‧爾雅音義》的異文探討《爾雅》名物諸 篇的字詞類型。全文共分五章。首章緒論,分為1.研究動機,2.研究範圍、內容與相關學科,3.文獻檢討,4.研究方法與步驟四節,用以奠定研究的基礎,導引研究的進行。 第二、三章為論文的主體,第二章分二節,探討〈爾雅音義〉名物諸篇因 字形異同所產生的異體字和古今字。第三章分三節,探討〈爾雅音義〉名物諸篇因音義流轉所產生的聯綿詞、叚借字、同源詞。各節均先回顧重要文獻,再參考文獻進行理論統整,最後根據統整的理論,採擷〈爾雅音義〉異文具有代表性的實例,分門別類加以分析、討論、驗證,以期讀者對此五種字詞類型都能有具體而清晰的認識。 第四章分兩節,首節分十項,將五種字詞類型逐一進行比較,既明其異, 更析其異,盡可能釐清各種字詞類型的關係,以免混淆或誤用。次節期望本論文的研究成果可以實際加以應用,包含類推其他古書的字詞類型、研究語言文字學、探討文獻學、編輯工具書。第五章結論,分兩節。首節論研究結果對〈爾雅音義〉字詞類型體系的建立、理論的探索、異同的比較,乃至《爾雅》詞彙專書的撰寫都有助益。次節平議歷來學界的研究有界說分歧、術語不一、分類參差等問題亟需克服,以便繼續深入研究,並根據研究經驗、展望研究者在短、中、長程方面可以繼續努力的目標。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this thesis is to explore the types of words and phrases in the famous articles of "Er Ya" from the different texts of Lu Deming′s "Classical Explanation: Erya Yinyi". The full text is divided into five chapters. The introduction of the first chapter is divided into four sections: 1. Research motivation, 2. Research scope, content and related disciplines, 3. Literature review, 4. Research methods and steps, to lay the foundation for the research and guide the progress of the research. The second and third chapters are the main body of the thesis. The second chapter is divided into two sections, discussing the allograph and ancient and modern graphs. The third chapter is divided into three sections, discussing the joint words, borrowed characters, and cognate words produced by the circulation of sound and meaning in the famous articles of "Erya Yinyi". Each section reviews important documents first, and then refers to the literature for theoretical integration. Finally, according to the unified theory, picks representative examples of different texts of "Erya Yinyi", analyzes, discusses, and verifies them in different categories, in the hope that readers will discuss these five Each type of word can have a specific and clear understanding. The fourth chapter is divided into two sections. The first section is divided into ten items. The five word types are compared one by one to understand the differences and analyze the differences. Try to clarify the relationship between the various word types to avoid confusion or misuse. The second section hopes that the research results of this thesis can be applied in practice, including analogy of the word types of other ancient books, research on language and philology, discussion on philology, and editing of reference books. The fifth chapter is the conclusion, divided into two sections. The research results of the first section are helpful to the establishment of the word type system of "Er Ya Sound and Meaning", theoretical exploration, comparison of similarities and differences, and even the writing of the vocabulary book of "Er Ya". The second section discusses the problems of historical research in academic circles, such as differences in definitions, inconsistent terminology, and uneven classification, which need to be overcome in order to continue in-depth research and look forward to the goals that researchers can continue to work hard on in the short, medium, and long-term based on the research experience.en_US
DC.subjectEr Ya Yinyien_US
DC.subjectMaterial nounsen_US
DC.subjectDifferent texten_US
DC.subjectTypes of Different Textsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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