博碩士論文 103256004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Chieh Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究在於設計一個使用線型感測器 (CMOS Linear Image Sensor) 搭配非接觸式的光學三角量測技術發展一套量測人體表面微 小位移量變化的監測系統。以此研究人體穴位上細微的跳動情形,使 得位移數據能以定量的檢測,不僅解決目前穴道上的變化難以被量化 及診斷無統一標準的問題,更可以深入探討人體中各種經脈細微的分 別,並將頻率、能量與中醫經絡理論聯繫起來。 本研究系統設計之重複量測精度設計可達 ± 2.5μm,量測速度為 每秒鐘 200 次。可準確地檢測出人體穴位上微小的位移量的改變並將 其紀錄成為隨量測時間改變的振幅變化情形,再利用所紀錄之振幅變 化數據藉由傅立葉轉換 (Fourier Transform) 轉換為頻率。 根據本研究結果可說明「手太陰肺經」上的「太淵穴」位於血管 位置亦為脈搏的「寸脈」,所以跳動訊號較強,其量測結果為在 1.2Hz 有峰值反應,為 0.20Hz 基頻的六倍。由於也是脈搏位置可推估心跳相 當於每分鐘 72 下。2.4Hz 亦有明顯峰值反應,計算為 0.20Hz 之十二 倍頻。而在「手厥陰心包經」上的「大陵穴」與「內關穴」頻率量測 結果其跳動振幅均低於「手太陰肺經」上的「太淵穴」,可看出「手 厥陰心包經」穴道的跳動的能量極低。「內關穴」於 0.44Hz 左右有最 i 大值,「大陵穴」則為 0.22Hz。依據研究結果可看出「內關穴」其反 映的頻率為「大陵穴」頻率的兩倍,兩穴位處於同一經脈之振動頻率 是基頻的整數倍諧波信號關係。實驗結果也說明「手厥陰心包經」與 「手太陰肺經」上的所偵測到的主要頻率不相同,差異了 0.02Hz。 微觀來看「手厥陰心包經」量測結果有明顯的 0.22Hz 諧波,也 含有較低的 0.35Hz 的諧波成份。「手太陰肺經」量測結果 有明顯的 0.20Hz 諧波,也含有較低的 0.15Hz 的諧波成份。本研究可說明每條 經絡上都承載了很多頻率,無法用單一波動來表達。然而,經絡所代 表的每個器官具有與它對應的一列頻率信號。藉由「手太陰肺經」與 「手厥陰心包經」的頻率比較也證明不同經絡分別具有各自的優先頻 率,不同頻率的運行機制會存在差異。 本研究系統改善利用傳統陣列式 (CMOS-Array) 感光元件所構 成之光學三角量測系統的精度與量測速度。讓使用者藉由此非接觸式 光學量測系統看見穴位上的「頻率變化」與差異性,進而可進行數據 上的判讀。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this study, we mainly use a 512pixels linear CMOS image sensor with the triangular measurement method, the use of 660nm Laser spot displacement changes to measure the human pulse and acupuncture points. The sensor developed by the Institute, measuring the center point of 50mm, measuring range ± 20 mm, repeat the accuracy of 2.5 μm. To calculate the displacement of the object to be measured to build a simple non-contact measurement of the gage, instead of the naked eye and non-contact to detect the pulse and acupuncture points of the phenomenon, according to the study Results to calculate the displacement of the pulse and acupoints. The number of detection samples up to 200 times per second, then the Fourier transform from in the time-domain signal to frequency-domain conversion, to accurately and quickly capture data and then analyze the functioning of the body. To achieve low production costs and high-precision non-contact pulse diagnosis and acupuncture points with a test. According to the results of this study, "Taiyuan Point" on the "Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin, LU" is also known as "Cun pulse" which is also located at the blood vessel position of the pulse. Therefore, the beating signal is strong. The measurement results are peaked at 1.2Hz and as 0.20Hz fundamental frequency of six times. Because it is also a pulse position can be estimated that the heart rate equivalent to 72 beats per minute. 2.4Hz also significant peak response, calculated as 12 times the 0.20Hz frequency. However, the beat amplitudes of the "Daling Point" and "Neiguan Point" measurements on the "Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin, PC" were iii both lower than those of "Taiyuan Point" on the "Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin, LU", showing that "Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin" acupuncture beating the energy very low. "Neiguan Point" has a maximum of about 0.44 Hz, while "Daling Point" has a maximum of 0.22 Hz. According to the results of the study, we can see that "Neiguan Point" reflects twice the frequency of "Daling Point", and the vibration frequency of the two meridians in the same meridian is an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. The experimental results also show that the main frequencies detected in the "Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin" and the "Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin" differ by 0.02 Hz. Microscopic point of view, the "Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin" measurement results have obvious 0.22Hz harmonics, also contains a lower harmonic component of 0.35Hz. the "Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin" measurement results have obvious 0.20Hz harmonics, also contains a lower harmonic component of 0.15Hz. This study shows that each meridian carries a lot of frequency and cannot be expressed in a single wave. However, each organ represented by the meridian has a list of frequency signals corresponding to it. The comparison between the frequency of the "Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin" and the "Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin" also proves that each meridian has its own priority frequency, and the operation mechanism of frequencies will be different.en_US
DC.subjectTriangular measurement methodsen_US
DC.subjectAcupuncture pointsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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