博碩士論文 103286010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorRaychiy J. Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract於一般發光二極體光源(Light Emitting Diode, LED)照明應用中,因LED光源之配光曲線具有高指向性,其會造成不舒適之眩光效應,因此於LED光源之二階光學透鏡設計上,除了需達成照明配光曲線之規格要求外,還需要減少對人眼不舒適之眩光影響。本論文提出在LED照明二階光學設計時採用中場光源擬合法、自由曲面與哈維雙向散射分布函數模型設計方法,設計出新式塑膠材質之LED二階光學鏡片。首先,於LED塑膠二階光學鏡片上,其達到89.89 %之高穿透率、角度場半高全寬70度與±45度範圍內之光學有效利用率51.8 %之實心自由曲面鏡片,其可達到節能環保之功效;再者,除了角度場半高全寬70度之塑膠二階光學鏡片設計,運用光學橫向整合之半鏡片曲線設計之自由曲面,而設計之窄角度場LED塑膠二階光學鏡片上,其達到82 %之高穿透率與角度場半高全寬40度之實心自由曲面鏡片;最後,運用光學縱向整合之薄鏡片曲線設計之自由曲面,而設計出達到91.92 %之高穿透率、角度場半高全寬70度與±45度範圍內光學有效利用率55.73 %之薄片自由曲面鏡片,與上面提及之角度場半高全寬70度實心自由曲面鏡片相比,薄片自由曲面鏡片更具備生產效率高16倍與成本減少90%之優勢,其可達到LED塑膠二階光學鏡片大量生產之可行性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince the LED light emitting characteristic is strongly direction oriented and could be causing the strong glare effect, the optical design of LED lens is necessary for improving the lighting energy distribution in the areas of interest and reducing the uncomfortable glare effect for the general illumination applications. In this dissertation, the novel transparent plastic optical lens would be designed by using the free form surface and scattering surface technologies. First, using the precise mid field angular distribution model of the LED light source and the optical scattering surface property of the Harvey BSDF scattering model and performing the optical simulation to develop and design a novel plastic high transmission optical thick solid lens with free form inner surface to achieve the optical performance of 89.89% light energy transmission optics for the sake of energy saving reason, the 70 degrees angular light distribution pattern defined at full width half maximum (FWHM) light energy level, and the optical utilization factor of 51.8 % within -45 degrees and 45 degrees range in the areas of interest with glare reduced for the down light illumination. Secondly, the free form optical quasi-lens surface technology was utilized to develop and design a new solid transparent plastic optical lens for the LED down light with the narrow angular light distribution requirement in the LED lighting applications. In order to successfully complete the mission, the precise mid field angular distribution model of the LED light source was established and built. And also the optical scattering surface property of the Harvey BSDF scattering model was designed, measured, and established. Then, the optical simulation for the entire optical system was performed to develop and design this solid transparent plastic optical lens system. Finally, the goals of 40 degrees angular light distribution pattern defined at full width half maximum (FWHM) with glare reduced in the areas of interest and the optical performance of nearly 82% light energy transmission optics were achieved for the LED down light illumination. Thirdly, the goal of designing and developing a novel plastic optical thin piece lens couple consisting of a plastic inner thin piece lens with free form optical scattering surfaces and a plastic outer thin piece lens with an aspherical optical scattering front surface was to match or exceed the optical performance with the angular light distribution pattern defined from the previously designed plastic optical thick solid lens. With the precise mid field angular distribution model of the LED light source and the optical scattering surface property of the Harvey BSDF scattering models established, both the performance of 91.92% light energy transmission optics of this novel plastic optical thin piece lens down light and the optical utilization factor of 55.73 % within -45 degrees and 45 degrees range in the areas of interest with glare reduced were achieved. Besides the above optical performance achieved, the production rate of the plastic thin piece lens couples was raised to be 16 times higher than the production rate of the previously designed plastic optical thick solid lenses. Moreover, the total costs of producing one plastic thin piece lens couple were calculated to be only 10% of the total costs of producing one plastic thick solid lens. With both the above advantages of much higher production rate and much lower costs for producing this plastic optical thin piece lens couple, the feasibility of the massive production purpose was highly promising and practical to be achieved for the general LED illumination.en_US
DC.subjectOptical Designen_US
DC.subjectfree form lensen_US
DC.title結合散射面之穿透式二次光學設計用於白光LED 照明zh_TW
DC.titleWhite LED Lighting based on Second-Level Optical Design with Transmission Scattering Surfacesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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