博碩士論文 103322097 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract天然災害是無法避免的,其中以地震所造成的損失由為巨大,輕則損失財物,重則家破人亡,無論對百姓生活、國家經濟都會造成嚴重影響,如何運用風險管理來降低或避免災害帶來的損失,是我們要研究的一個課題。 地震損失評估中,易損性曲線為快速評估結構物地震損傷程度之重要參考指標,可以清楚顯示各種不同類型結構物遭遇不同程度的地震時,各種破壞程度的發生機率,進而供我們評斷一個大地區或一大數目之結構物預期之損失,本研究將以地震造成房屋結構之易損性曲線作為研究內容。 易損性曲線的功能可以了解各類結構物之耐震損害程度,除了可以做為往後耐震學術研究外,還可以提供讓政府相關單位應用(例:結構物補強與耐震規範修改),尤其是偏鄉地區老舊建築補強或國家重要建築耐震性評估,在災害發生時把傷害降到最低,對於國家經濟建設發展提供正面協助,甚至可以讓保險公司計算出各種類型結構物在不同規模地震下所可能引致的損失,藉由不同自負額、限額等的保險條件擬定設計一套保險策略,進而建立完整保單供消費者購買避險,避免因突發地震之過大損失無人理賠。 以中國大陸為例,本研究分別對廈門市與張家口市做地震風險分析實例,求出所需保費與各回歸期對應之損失超越機率,其分析結果可供擬訂地震保費參考使用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNatural disasters are unavoidable . Among the losses caused by the earthquake is enormous. Loss of property is not the worst scenario , loss of life is serious. Whether on people′s lives, the national economy will have a serious impact. Therefore, how to avoid risk by risk management or reduce the loss at natural catastrophe event is a very important topic of the catastrophe risk management. Earthquake damage assessment, vulnerability curve is an important reference index for rapid assessment of earthquake damage of structures, can show the different types of structures encountered different earthquake, the probability of occurrence of various degrees of damage arising. And then for us to judge a large area or a large number of the expected loss of the structure. This study encounters the earthquake fragility curves of the building structure as a research. The vulnerability curve of the function can estimate the degree of damage of various types of structural damage. In addition to be able to do post-earthquake academic research, vulnerability curve can provide the relevant government units to use. Especially for old buildings and rural areas. In the event of a disaster to minimize the damage. Of the country′s economic development and provide positive assistance for the development. And even allow the insurance company to calculate the various types of structures in different sizes of the earthquake. With a different set of self-imposed, limit and other insurance conditions to develop a set of insurance strategy, thereby establishing a complete insurance policy for consumers to buy safe-haven, to avoid excessive losses without insurance coverage due to sudden earthquake. Take China as an example, this paper analyzes the earthquake risk analysis of Xiamen and Zhangjiakou respectively. Find the required premium and the return period corresponding to the loss beyond the probability. The results of the analysis are available for the preparation of seismic premiums.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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