博碩士論文 103323011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHung-Yu Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract妥瑞症(Tourette patients)是一種遺傳性的神經生理疾病。在美國約有10-20萬人罹患此疾病。大約有1百萬名美國人可能有非常輕微的妥瑞症症狀,台灣則是每200名兒童就有1人患有此病。妥瑞症患者的身體會出現不自主的、重複的動作,稱為動作型抽動(motor tics),以及不自主地發出怪聲,此為聲語型抽動(vocal tics),部份兒童甚至會出現罵穢語的現象。 工程上用吸音方法來減少噪音是相當普遍的,當聲波入射到物體的表面時,部分聲波會反射,而另一部分的聲波會進入物體內部,進而被物體所吸收並且轉化成熱能,聲波能量被物體吸收的現象稱為吸音。其實、物體多少都具有吸音的效果,但是只有較強吸音能力的結構(sound-absorbing structure)或材料(sound-absorbing material),才可以在工程上被實際使用。就目前工程上被廣泛應用的有兩大原理:(1)共振吸音結構(acoustic resonance structure)、它是利用入射聲波在結構內產生共振效果,進而消耗它的能量、但也是利用了共振原理,因此吸音的頻段較窄、(2)多孔性吸音材料(porous sound-absorbing material) 構成的吸音材料,其中又以紡織結構中擁有吸音功能之複合型材料、最常在公寓、汽車、精密儀器被使用,其優勢是、它能夠吸收更多種類之頻段;本論文中主要強調口罩的減音三要素:共振結構、振動鈑、吸音棉等來做分析,利用不同的排列組合、測量方式來看我們所設計出來的減音口罩能否能達到預設的減音效果,我們密切與醫院保持聯繫以便隨時更新病患之需求,來協助我們能夠建立一個減音效果更好、口罩材質更輕量的口罩。本產品已由小兒科醫生與機械工程系教授共同研發出原型,並已經由少量測試、模擬來分析,發現可達預期之減音效果。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTourette syndrome is an inherited neurophysiologic disorder with onset in childhood, characterized by multiple physical (motor) tics and at least one vocal (phonic) tic. Between 0.4% and 3.8% of children ages 5 to 18 may have Tourette′s; the prevalence of other tic disorders in school-age children is higher, with the more common tics of eye blinking, coughing, throat clearing, sniffing, and facial movements. Coprolalia (the spontaneous utterance of socially objectionable or taboo words or phrases) is the most publicized symptom of Tourette′s, but only 19.3% of male and 14.6% of female Tourette′s patients exhibit it. People with Tourette Syndrome often feel immense anxiety about expressing their tics, particularly when they have vocal tics or coprolalia. This anxiety may make symptoms worse for some people, and frequently leads to social isolation. If we can design a mask to reduce the intensity of vocal tic or coprolalia, the patients with Tourette syndrome will have a better life quality. The main emphasis in this study are three elements of sound-absorbing principle, the resonance structure, vibrator plate , sound-absorbing cotton. Through analysis, using different permutations and combinations, in order to seeking the efficiency of sound suppression by using design masks. Otherwise, a new novel multilayer vibrating plate design was successfully 3D printed in conjunction with the 3D scanned data for the customized face features. The field test results revealed an effective sound suppression can be fulfilled in the range of 60%~90% for the frequency range 100-2500Hz. Therefore, the second year project goal aims to continuously design and develop an alternative low-cost, vacuum structure for the patients of Tourette syndrome.en_US
DC.subjectTourette syndromeen_US
DC.subjectSound-absorbing principleen_US
DC.subjectNoise reduction rateen_US
DC.titleSound suppression mask specifically designed for minimizing tics impulse acoustics of Tourette’s patientsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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