博碩士論文 103352006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-Hui Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract針對地質鑽探工程之人機作業管理、調動指派之條件與工期需求,以能如期完工且達成花費成本最小為目的,經最佳化數學運算建構模式,求解出各探查孔每日機具及工班之指派排程,提供經營者以最低的成本使資源能充分應用。實務上,決策者透過增加機組與加班模式來解決工期問題,而本研究特別考慮施工中鑽機換孔移機、保養、故障排除等其他因素對工期影響,於建構最佳化模式時進行施工工期分析調整,以期更符合實際施作之工程進度。 於求解方法上,依據各鑽機與工班配合之作業時程等條件,利用 OFFICE EXCEL軟體求得每處探查孔於各種鑽機及工班不同配置下所需完成的施工天數,加上移機移孔、保養、故障排除等因素之工期調整,把調整完成之参數基本資料輸入LINGO 12.0套裝軟體求解,即可於OFFICE EXCEL表單輸出最小成本之最佳化人機作業指派情形。若當施工中之條件、狀況與實務有差異時,可隨時調整參數、限制式,將尚未施作之工作再重新指派機具工班規劃排程。 為驗證模式實用性,以某產業開發新建工程進行範例測試,並以最佳化整數規劃之數學模式所求解的最低成本與決策者依經驗調度方式算出之成本進行比較與探討,證明本研究最佳化模式確實較人工經驗指派之成本更低、更有效的資源運用,又依據參數之變化趨勢進行各項敏感度分析,藉由敏感度分析來規劃調整人機增減及加班等成本之資源配置。故本研究可廣泛運用於先期規劃、施工中之突發狀況調整以及機具工班增減與加班趕工等工期內成本規劃問題,提供經營者調度規劃人機作業排程更加精準的資源分配與成本控制。 關鍵字:地質鑽探、作業管理、整數規劃、最小成本、最佳化。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTargeting man-machine operation management in geological drilling construction, mobilization and assignment conditions, and scheduling needs and with “completion on schedule” and “minimum costs” as the objectives, the optimization mathematical construct model was adopted to obtain the daily machinery intended for each exploration hole and the worker assignment schedule, which will enable operators to fully apply resources at the lowest costs. In practice, the decision-maker resolves scheduling problems through the addition of machine units and an overtime mode. In this study, the effects of “driller hole change, machine transfer during construction, repair and maintenance, troubleshooting, and other factors” on “scheduling” are especially taken into consideration. At the time of optimization model construction, construction schedule analyses, and adjustments are carried out to keep pace with the actual construction progress. As for the method adopted to derive the solution, based on the coordinated drilling machine and worker operation scheduling and other conditions, and through the use of OFFICE EXCEL software, the number of construction days needed to reach completion, taking into account each exploration hole and various drilling machine and workman configurations, coupled with schedule adjustments, such as machine and hole transfer, repair and maintenance, troubleshooting, and other factors, the basic information of the adjusted parameters are input into the LINGO 12.0 package software to derive the solution and output the optimized man-machine operation dispatch situation at minimum costs through OFFICE EXCEL datasheets. In case the conditions, status, and practices vary during construction, the parameters and constraints can be readily adjusted, so as to re-assign machine units and worker planning and schedule tasks that have not yet been undertaken. In order to verify the applicability of the model, an anonymous industrial development construction project was employed to carry out sample testing. The lowest costs obtained using the mathematical model of the optimization integer programming and the costs calculated using the decision-maker’s experience-based mobilization method were then compared and discussed. It has been proven that the optimization model in this study is indeed less costly and more effectively utilizes resources compared to manual experience-based assignment. Through sensitivity analysis, man-machine addition/reduction, overtime costs, and other resource configurations underwent planning and adjustment. Hence, this study can be widely applied in adjusting to unexpected situations, such as early planning and ongoing construction, machine workmen addition/reduction, overtime, and other cost planning issues during the construction period. Results shall be provided to operators for more precise resource distribution and cost control in terms of mobilization and planning of man-machine operation scheduling. Keywords: geological drilling, operation management, integer programming, minimum cost, optimization。en_US
DC.subjectgeological drillingen_US
DC.subjectoperation managementen_US
DC.subjectinteger programmingen_US
DC.subjectminimum costen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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