博碩士論文 103352010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCong-Jhou Jhuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 有別於工程採購以最低標為決標對象,"異質採購最低標"給予機關有機會於採購過程中汰除履歷不佳或施工能力不良之廠商。行政院公共工程委員會於95年5月23日函頒「機關異質採購最低標作業須知」,99年11月30日增訂政府採購法施行細則第64條之2,法規制度才較為完備;又審計部98年10月14日台審部五字第0980004108號函調查結果,對於機關採用異質採購最低標決標方式持正面看法;再者,監察院100年6月出版「政府採購法公布施行10年來,關於限制性招標、最有利標、最低標之成效檢討」專案調查研究報告,其中包含異質採購最低標決標利弊分析等。 上述採購法主管機關修法及監察機關調查報告對於異質採購最低標具有正面引導,研究者服務單位自101年開始推動試辦工程異質採購最低標,加上接觸異質採購最低標案件關係,因此,本研究以營建署為對象,藉由蒐集101年至104年之營建署所有工程決標資料,探討異質採購最低標與傳統同質最低標在招標辦理過程及施工階段廠商履約情形方面成果,施工階段以異質採購最低標表現較好,招標階段因須分段開標,所以異質採購最低標較費時,尚不包含招標前置作業所花的時間。汰除廠商部分,經評分結果未達及格分數之廠商家數有12家,比率為18.75%。另蒐集100年至104年各機關辦理工程異質採購最低標決標總件數,呈現逐年增加之趨勢,顯示異質採購最低標有效發揮制度優點,提升機關辦理誘因。 本研究方法之一採問卷調查,議題縱向方面從招標前置、招標、開標、決 標到施工階段廠商履約情形,橫向方面分為政府機關及廠商二類問卷,藉由問卷題目量身設計,探求雙方各自立場對於共同性議題看法之差異程度,以利客觀進行分析,最後根據案例分析及問卷調查結果,本研究亦提出建議第一次開標得不受三家廠商之限制及決標方式納入得採價格與總評分之商數最低者為得標廠商並修正相關法令規定草案。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Different from current way of using lowest tender award contract, government procurement of construction work has alternative selection by using different qualities of tender in tender award contract. Entities will have opportunity to eliminate those suppliers with poor records and lower construct qualities in the process of selecting tenders. Public Construction Commission Executive Yuan issued an official letter of「Standards for The entity using construction work with different qualities tenders」on 2006 may 23. Related regulations become more complete, and the amended on 2010 November 30 of 「Enforcement rules of the government procurement」 Article 64-2. According to the National Audit Office issued an investigation conclusion on 2009 Oct.14 official letter No.0980004108, provide a positive outcome when entities using different qualities of tender awarded of the lowest tender contract. Furthermore The Control Yuan public a special report on the subject of 「The review result of Limited tendering procedures、The most advantageous tender、the lowest tender after ten years of government procurement promulgation」pubish on 2011 Jun also provide advantage and disadvantage analysis. Those amendments of responsible entity and investing report of control entities suggested a positive outcome for government procurement using construction work with different qualities of lowest tender. Since 2012, The Construction and Planning Agency have been trialed to use construction work with different qualities of lowest tender in the process of government procurement. This study collected information that the agency (CPAMI) awarded contract during 2012-2015 as a sample. This report also discuss two different types of government procurement process- the construction work with different qualities of lowest tender process and the lowest tender process in turn of procedure and contract performance. Overall, different qualities of lowest tender have better performance in the stage of construction process. Yet, this process took more time for the entity to prepare during and prior to the invitation tender stage. Selection of supplier process showed that 12 of suppliers 18.75% failed to meet the stander. This report also collected data from 2011 to 2015 entities using Construction work with different qualities suppliers in the process of government procurement have been increased. This indication that Construction work with different qualities tender of lowest tender process utilize its institution merits and create incentives for those entities Questionnaire was used as one of this study’s research method. The main dimension has two aspects in this questionnaire. Horizontal aspect includes pre- invitation tender stage、invitation tender stage、open the tenders、award contract and contract performance. Vertical aspect includes the participants of contacting entities and suppliers. In a objective point of view, this study designed the questionnaire in order to understand the differentiated view point of common issues. According to case study of this report and final out come of questionnaire, we would be able to present recommendations of government Procurement procedure using different qualities suppliers of lowest tender. It is recommended that in order for opening of tenders to proceed first time, the entity can proceed even though the tender are less then three. Also, the lowest quotient which divide by tender’s offer and final score of award selection would take in to account in the process of awarding contract proceed.en_US
DC.subjectgovernment Procurement procedure using different qualities suppliers of lowest tenderen_US
DC.subjectlowest tenderen_US
DC.subjectLikert scaleen_US
DC.titleTeh Consequent of Recent Effect in Government Procurement Procedure using Different Qualities Suppliers of Lowest Tender-Using Construction and Planning Agency as Case Studyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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