博碩士論文 103426010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Ying Lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract氣候變遷以及環境的衝擊下,二氧化碳減量的議題已經是全球所關注焦點。然而物流運輸的二氧化碳又是第三大宗的部分,故我國政府與企業共同推展綠色化政策,並採用碳稅的制度來限制碳的排放。我國的快遞業在市區物流運輸中佔有重要地位,顧客希望快速收到包裹,但又因為市區道路壅擠,所以只有機車才能達成如此機動性強的物流運輸。本研究探討如何藉由導入電動機車讓二氧化碳減量,並且降低途程成本。 以前至今,車隊途程規劃(VRP)一直是至今以來不斷討論研究的議題,透過最佳化途程規劃、總途程成本以及最小距離等等最佳化求解。隨著全球綠能化的風氣興起,綠色物流的議題也逐漸受到重視,將綠色加入途程規劃裡,考量碳排放限制讓總途程成本最小化。本研究希望在我國快遞業中導入電動機車,以達成綠色途程規劃。在現有環境下規劃組成混合機車車隊,並且在二氧化碳的碳稅限制下達到最小化二氧化碳量以及途程成本的兩個目標。接著利用禁忌搜尋演算法(Tabu Search)解決大規模的問題,並求得近似最佳解。本研究以城市機車物流快遞為背景,以三個情境進行分析。第一是以個案公司的制度為主,在固定車隊數量的限制下探討混合機車車隊的比例以及途程成本最小化。第二是探討最佳機車車隊數量讓途程成本最小化。第三是考慮機車的建置成本分析混合機車車隊比例讓途程成本最小化。然而藉由所有的分析可以得知,所有的結果皆傾向於車隊全是電動機車為最佳。目前台灣極力推動電動機車,且政府與業者合作,透過一些補助項目擴展電動機車的市場。由此研究可以發現物流快遞業者以電動機車取代傳統燃油機車,可以節省大量的燃油費用以及維護費用,並且減少大量碳排放量,徹底推動綠色運輸的願景。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractUnder the impact of climate and environmental change, reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions has been a highly concerned issue around the world. And the third largest source of worldwide CO2 emission is caused by the logistics transportation. The green policies that our government and companies jointly take forward, they adopt carbon tax to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions. The urban express delivery logistics plays a role in our country. Because of the traffic congestion and customers wishing to receive their packages in time, maneuverable transportation of logistics can meet their requirements by using motorcycles. As a result, we hope that importing the electric motorcycles can reduce the CO2 emissions and the routing costs. This research is about how to reduce CO2 and cost of transportation by importing electric motorcycles. The vehicle routing problem (VRP) has been studied for many years, which is used to optimize the routing, routing distances, and routing cost. Along with the rising of green logistic issues, more people are focusing on finding a green solution to the VRP. This research considers that introducing electric motorcycles into the express delivery business can help achieve the goal of green vehicles routing. To minimize carbon emissions and routing costs under the limitation of CO2 tax policy, this research proposes a Tabu search and tries to find out the best configuration for the motorcycle fleet as well as a good solution to a large VRP. This research analyzes three scenarios for city express delivery: The first is to find out the percentage of electric motorcycles in the fleet given a specific number of motorcycles; the second is to determine the optimal number of motorcycles. The third is to analyze the fixed cost of motorcycles. However, after considering of all the scenarios, this research finds out all results shows it is better to replace all fuel motorcycle into electric ones. To expand the market of electric motorcycles, our government is now devoting to cooperate with companies and also providing reimbursement policies for purchasing electric motorcycle. This research finds out that using electric motorcycle instead of fuel motorcycle can not only saves expense on fuel cost and maintenance cost, but also reduces carbon emissions.en_US
DC.subjectSustainable Energy developmenten_US
DC.subjectCarbon Dioxide Emissionen_US
DC.subjectGreen Logisticsen_US
DC.subjectElectric Vehicleen_US
DC.subjectTabu Searchen_US
DC.titleSolving the Heterogeneous Motorcycle Fleet Routing Problem with Carbon Dioxide Emissionsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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