博碩士論文 103426019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorGang-Hung Wengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著人口的上升與經濟的快速發展,導致汽機車的使用量逐年的向上攀升,這一個趨勢不僅僅是造成了都市與其都會地區的交通壅塞,亦會造成嚴重的廢棄之汙染,以及大量的能源消耗,特別是台灣的土地面積有限,資源也幾乎都仰賴進口,政府要如何提出提升能源的使用率,和有效降低汽機車所排放之廢棄所提出的對策變成了重要的議題。近數十年,私人載具的推廣與政策扶植成為了政府的重點管理策略,特別是電動機車更加是施政重點,本研究主要重點針對的產業為才於2015年才剛剛問世不久的Gogoro智慧雙輪為主要產業,並以自家獨特的充電技術為重點下手,以澎湖低碳島計畫為主要研究地區,採用系統模擬的方式著手進行研究。 在結合了澎湖低碳島與其觀光旅遊的背景之下,本研究考量到使用者於澎湖旅遊的路線當中,其電動載具對於充電站的需求,搭配電池交換站的建置與環境條件之下,需要佈置多少備用電池才能達到充電站所期望達到的服務水準,作為日後決策者在決定如何佈置的一項重要參考依據。本研究探討備用電池數量以提升電池交換站的服務水準,以英國自行車為需求進行模擬,在已知使用者路線與各站點間位置及距離的情況下,探討充電站點所放置的備用電池數量能使充電站提供多少服務水準,利用統計分析得出增加備用電池數量有助於降低顧客的平均等待時間,與顧客於系統內的時間,以及針對找出系統中重要充電站點為主要改進對象,亦能使顧客在成功換電池上有較好之表現。 希望藉由本研究成果,可供國內相關部會、機構已及新興公司電動機車產業作為重要參考資訊。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs the global population and economic power are mounting, the users of automobiles and motorbikes have been on the rise in recent years, too. This trend not only leads traffic congestion in urban areas, but also causes corruption and huge energy consumption. Given Taiwan’s relatively small territory and the absence of natural resources, how to enhance en-ergy utility and how to trim the excessive emission of exhaust have become the vital issues awaiting governmental attention. In recent decades, the authority has emphasized on man-agement of self-owned vehicles. Especially, boosting the policies and strategies of electronic motorbikes. This dissertation mainly focuses on property is electronic motorbikes “Gogoro”. The company fledgling electric motorbike manufacturer is the forerunner of “Smartscooter”. Attention on the company’s signature recharging strategy, battery exchange strategy. Com-bining the low-carbon land project conducted in Penghu to build the basis of simulation. Under the premise of achieving low carbon emissions and encouraging green travel in Penghu, this study takes into account Gogoro users’ need for regular recharging demand with the battery exchange station establishing constrain, and attempts to arrive at an accu-rate estimate of spare batteries to meet the expectation regarding efficient service level. We hope that this dissertation will serve as a useful reference for policy makers when it comes to installing future recharging stations. In this study, we discuss that the number of spare bat-teries can provide how many service level of battery exchange station. First, we use British bike share system’s customer arrival rate to create demand and build the simulation system. Customer routes and site locations are both known. With these assumption, we discuss how many spare batteries should be placed at each location and what kind of service level can be provided. The statistical analysis shows increasing the number of spare batteries can reduce a customer’s average waiting time and their total time in the system. This system identifies the important recharging station as the main target improvement. After revising the system’s parameter, the recharging station can have the better performance when customers try to re-place the battery. We also hope that the results of this study will provide useful information for local re-lated industries, academic institutions, and other electronic motorbike manufacturers.en_US
DC.subjectElectric Vehicleen_US
DC.subjectBattery Exchange Stationen_US
DC.subjectEnvironmental Policyen_US
DC.titleArrangement of Battery Exchange Station for Electric Scooters – A Case Study of Gogoroen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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