博碩士論文 103450084 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Chien Haungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文主要在研究金融保險業發展中透過「業務員專業技能升級」,以面對目前多元銷售通路所造成業務推廣限縮,以及因應科技金融時代來臨所帶來的衝擊,過程中更因專業不足所影響的保險業務員定著率下滑。透過個案公司業務員專業技能升級計畫分析,應著重於人才的發掘與專業技能教育訓練提升,此外,將保險業務員當作是公司資產,為員工訂定職涯晉升藍圖亦應列為企業經營裡的核心考量之一。 企業沒競爭就不會進步尤其這個年代的金融保險業。所以,培育、召募新的人才留住既有的優秀人才皆是金融保險業的一大挑戰。   根據本研究中的業務員專業技能升級的訓練後的滿意度調查,充分反映出員工對於公司所提供的教育訓練抱持極高度的肯定。從研究中也發現,金融同業其實也一直有在進行相關計畫,但為何成果不盡理想。分析後原因簡述如下:(一)因考量成本,僅就單一問題進行專案改善,因金融保險業相關連項目多,諸如:醫療、投資、稅務等,實難單靠單一策略改變。(二)同業間任意購併,只考量資本及客戶群挹注,並沒有完整的教育訓練制度,只是將訓練不了的人變多,難以為企業帶來生機。(三)多重模仿,雖為金融保險同業,但因企業文化、習性、公司商品及政策也不同、加上投入的時間及教育資源也不同,模仿只能學到表面,當然無法為公司產生改變。   金融保險業業務人員唯有時時為專業技能加強提升,才能面對多變的保險市場挑戰。只要企業能關注且用心於人才培訓的投資,加上更多角化進行,例如以產學合作來增加優質人才引進,可以有效減少金融保險公司在業務人才培育的成本,並可顯著提升金融保險公司的業務效能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the study, finance and insurance use ‘‘Professional sales skills upgrading’’ to solve multiple sales channels which narrows business promotion and response to the era of science and technology financial impact. Due to lack of professional influences insurance salesman retention ratio decrease in the process. Professional sales skills upgrading program analysis that we should focus on to discover talents and expertise to enhance the education and training through case company. Furthermore, the insurance sales ought to treat as company asset, and employees set career advancement blueprint should be considered as one of the core business. Enterprises will not progress without competition, especially in this era of financial and insurance, so cultivate existing talents and recruit new talent both are challenge for the financial and insurance. According to this study of satisfaction survey after professional sales skills upgrading trained, fully report that employees for education and training provided by the company hold a very high degree of certainty. In addition, other finance industry have been making relevant plans, but the results are beyond the expectation. After analyzing the reasons outlined below: (1) Because of cost, only for a single project to improve the problem. Due to financial and insurance industries are associated with many items, such as: medical, investment, taxation, etc., it is difficult to rely on a single policy to change. (2) Insurance industry mergers and acquisitions, only consider capital and inject customer which have no complete system of education and training, not just training people increases, how can we expect for the enterprise vitality. (3) Although the financial and insurance industry imitate each other, the corporate culture, habits, merchandise company policy is different and spent the time and resources on education is different, only can imitate the surface, of course, cannot bring change for the company. In fact, our finance and insurance sales knows, only from time to time to strengthen the promotion of professional skills for own insurance of changing market challenges is advantageous. As long as companies can pay attention to training and investment intentions, plus more were keratosis, in order to increase the quality of university-industry cooperation to the introduction of talent, can effectively reduce the company′s finance and insurance business training costs and significantly enhance finance and insurance company′s business performance.en_US
DC.subjectFinance and insuranceen_US
DC.subjectIndustrial upgradingen_US
DC.subjectCareer developmenten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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