博碩士論文 103456008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatoryu-an Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,自動外觀檢測(Auto Visual Inspection)在PCB產業中逐漸佔據重要的地位,出發點是客戶要求高品質的產品影響。設備的投資佔整體成本為關鍵因素,所以如何提升外觀檢測設備效率間接降低成品的重工再測的時間,造成工時浪費,為近期產業界常常探討的嚴肅議題。一個有效的檢測模式,攸關量產參數設定的適當性,影響到是檢測流程是否能穩定檢出不良品,讓良品不被假缺點影響檢出,又能適應產品本身公差變異干擾,而設計出穩健參數卻又不受產品的變異影響變成重要議題。為克服此這常見的問題,使特別借用田口實驗設計法,在有限的時間限制內、實驗次數、資源條件下,找出最最佳佳化設備參數設計,以提昇檢測效益。所以希望透過田口方法來求取設備之最佳設定化參數,找出最佳的設定參數。 本研究藉田口方法之穩健實驗設計,針對IC載板上防焊缺點進行外觀檢測,並改善檢測效率。對於本研究之品質特性是以外觀檢測良品率的最大化作為目標,使用直交表配置,經Ω轉換把百分比型態的資料轉換成加性資料形態,測試其品質特性反應值,求得S/N比,推算最佳水準之設定參數組合。 本研究利用設備參數之最佳化組合進行確認測試。量產結果顯示,使用最佳化參數的外觀檢測設備,人員線上目檢因假點減少原因,檢測時間減少約10%,使得生產之外觀檢測機台產能提升約20%。最後重工發生比例減少,生產工時達到有效應用之目的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, AVI (Auto Visual Inspection) has been playing an important part in the industry of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) due to the required high quality of finished products from the clients′ aspect. Besides, the investment in equipment plays a key role in the overall costs. Therefore, how to increase the efficiency of AVI in order to cut down on the time of re-tests, which are time-consuming, has become a hot issue nowadays. An efficient inspection model closely influences the appropriateness of the setting of production parameters. It is essential that fine products will not be falsely detected but will adapt to the disturbance of tolerance variations from the products themselves. As a result, it is crucial to design a stable parameter setting which will not be affected by the variations among products.to reach such a goal, this study adopts Taguchi experiment design method to optimize the design of production parameter settings in order to increase the efficiency of inspections in limited time constraints, resources, and numbers of tests. In the robust concept of Taguchi experiment design method, the welding shortcomings of IC carrier boards will be examined visually to improve detection efficiency.This study aims at maximizing the percentage of the visual inspections of fine finished products by using the L18 orthogonal table configuration, and through converting data types from percentage to additive information in the method of Taguchi experiment design. By testing the qualitative reaction value and calculating the S/N ration, the best parameter setting can be found. In this study, the optimal combination of the parameters of the equipment to confirm the test. Production results showed that the appearance of using the best parameter testing equipment, visual inspection of personnel due to false online point reduction reasons, the detection time is reduced by about 10%, so that visual inspection of the machine can improve production capacity by about 20%. Finally, the manufacturing steps can be effectively applied, the relative reduction ratio occur Heavy Industries.en_US
DC.subjectTaguchi methoden_US
DC.subjectrobust designen_US
DC.subjectvisual inspectionen_US
DC.subjectIC Carrieren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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