博碩士論文 103456020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSheng-Yang Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,隨著商品客製化的需求不斷地成長,企業所面臨的挑戰比以往都益發嚴苛,產品的發展趨勢逐漸朝向少量多樣化,產品生命周期也因而縮短,所以企業必須運用創新的資訊技術以及靈活的產能快速地反應市場的變化,方有機會獲得客戶的訂單。 隨著2011年德國漢諾威工業博覽會提出了工業4.0(Industry 4.0)的概念後,德國政府便在隔年頒佈了高科技戰略(High-Tech Strategy)的政策,因此帶動了全球產業運用雲端運算、大數據分析以及人工智慧等技術來發展物聯網(IoT)的相關應用,進而改革既有的生產流程。 工業4.0主要透過網際網路將實體世界與資訊系統結合,使得生產設備、系統以及物資間的運作能相互配合,自主地交換訊息、展開行動,甚至相互監控,以實現智慧製造的目標。 在業界中,常導入產品資料管理系統(Product Data Management System, PDM),並整合企業資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning System, ERP)等工具來執行新產品開發(New Product Introduction, NPI)進入量產的工作,並藉此改善製造、工程、材料應用、供應鏈、客戶關係以及生命周期管理等過程,在面對工業4.0所引發的大數據潮流下,該如何結合產品資料管理系統與智慧整合感控生產系統(Cyber-Physical Production System, CPPS)等工具來達成智慧製造,有效率地加速生產期程,則是企業轉型工業4.0的必要課題。 有鑑於此,本研究將運用整合性資訊系統架構(Architecture of Integrated Information System, ARIS)企業流程塑模(Business Process Modeling, BPM)分析工具來探討企業在工業4.0環境下該如何設計及應用產品資料管理系統的同步工程管理策略,並連結智慧整合感控生產系統建置智慧工廠,透過此系統利用有效的資訊進行新產品的流程開發,使企業的產品得以實現智能化及網路化的生產、管理以及控制。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractRecent years, the demand of merchandise customization continually rises up. Companies are facing more challenges than before. Products are generated in smaller amount of numbers but with more varieties. Consequently, its life cycle is shortened. With such changes, companies need to wisely adopt innovative technology and flexible capacity in order to respond to the market needs and receive customers’ orders. After the proposal of Industry 4.0 in the Hannover Messe in 2011, the German government issued a high-tech strategy in the following year. This strategy later resulted in the usage of cloud computing, big data analysis and artificial intelligence technology worldwide. It also developed the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) and further improved the process of production. The main concept of Industry 4.0 is to connect the physical world and information systems through Internet. This connection allows the cooperation, automatic information exchange and even mutual monitoring among manufacturing equipment, systems, and materials. Ultimately, such connection could achieve then goal of smart manufacturing. Companies often adopt Product Data Management system (PDM) and integrate Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) to execute New Product Development (NPD) and massively produce products. Meanwhile, companies can improve the processes of manufacturing, engineering, materials applications, supply chain, and management of both customer relationship and life cycle of products. When transferring to Industry 4.0, companies face challenges to combine product data management system and Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) in order to achieve smart manufacturing and accelerate efficiency of production under the trend of big data. With the intention to face such challenge, this study implemented business process management analysis tool, i.e. Architecture of Integrated Information System (ARIS), to investigate how to design and implement a concurrent engineering management strategy of product data management system. This management system in proposed strategy connects with a cyber-physical production system to build up a smart factory. Using the designed system and available information to execute the new product development. So the intellectualized and network based production manufacturing, management and control can be achieved.en_US
DC.subjectIndustry 4.0en_US
DC.subjectHigh-Tech Strategyen_US
DC.subjectProduct Data Management System(PDM)en_US
DC.subjectEnterprise Resource Planning System(ERP)en_US
DC.subjectNew Product Introduction(NPI)en_US
DC.subjectCyber-Physical Production System(CPPS)en_US
DC.subjectArchitecture of Integrated Information System(ARIS)en_US
DC.subjectBusiness Process Modeling(BPM)en_US
DC.titleThe Planning and Implementation of Product Data Management System in the Industry 4.0 Environmenten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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