博碩士論文 103457031 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsia-Yi Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著海外資源與經濟市場的營運需求,使得企業逐漸邁向國際化的組織佈局,進而帶動跨國企業的興起;由於跨國企業海外子公司遍布全球,各國的政治、社會與文化背景都不盡相同,尤其當國際人力資源管理實務在母子公司間施行時,需要考量的因素也會變的更為複雜,為了讓企業在國際間取得競爭優勢,如何任用一位適當的海外經理人就顯得非常重要。跨國企業海外經理人之任用策略是要因地制宜,採取任用外國籍之海外經理人,抑或仰賴本國籍之海外經理人? 因此,本研究以台灣區電子工業產業、資本額為15億(含)以上且持有海外營運據點之226家上市公司為研究對象,並使用敘述性統計分析、相關係數分析與二元羅吉斯迴歸分析,來探討跨國企業海外經理人任用策略與海外子公司和母公司背景資料之關係。 研究結果發現跨國企業海外經理人任用策略為外國籍時,與海外子公司前任經理人為外國籍、海外子公司設立年數、海外子公司設立區域為歐洲和澳洲、母公司合併營業收入及母公司海外投資國家數呈現顯著正相關;但與海外子公司資本額及母公司海外營運活動數呈現顯著負相關。本研究也發現當前任海外經理人為外國籍時,若其海外子公司之經營績效越差時,則新任經理人的任用策略會傾向聘用本國籍。 關鍵字:跨國企業、海外經理人、任用策略、國際人力資源管理zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTo meet overseas resources and economic market’s operational requirements, organizational deployment of companies tends to be multinational, and consequently brings up multinational corporations. Due to global-scale distribution of multinational corporations’ subsidiaries and political, social and cultural contexts that varies from nation to nation, the practice of global human resource management needs to take much more complicated factors into consideration. In order to make an enterprise prevail in international environment, it matters to employ a proper overseas manager. To narrow down the problematic for the present study: should multinational corporations’ staffing strategy of their overseas manager be based on the subsidiary or the parent company’s nationality? This study aims at an analysis to 226 public traded companies of Taiwan, each with at least 15 billion of capital, in electronic industry. Descriptive Statistical Analysis, Correlation Coefficient Analysis and Binary Logistic Regression Analysis are employed to investigate into the relationship between multinational corporations’ staffing strategy of overseas manager and the contexts of such corporations’ subsidiary and parent company. It is discovered that the possibility of the overseas subsidiary company’s previous manager to have foreign nationality, the number of overseas subsidiary company’s established years, the possibility of the overseas subsidiary company’s established region to be Europe and Australia, the number of consolidated operating revenue of the parent company, and the number of countries that the parent company put investment in have positive correlation with multinational corporations’ staffing strategy that is based on foreign nationality, and negative correlation with the number of overseas subsidiary company’s capital and the number of overseas business activities of the parent company. Additionally, it is also discovered that when the previous foreign manager is not achieving ideal business performance, the staffing strategy of succeeding overseas manager is more domestic-oriented. Keywords: MNC affiliate; overseas manager, staffing strategy, global HRMen_US
DC.subjectMNC affiliateen_US
DC.subjectoverseas manageren_US
DC.subjectstaffing strategyen_US
DC.subjectglobal HRMen_US
DC.titleA Study of Staffing Strategy of Multinational Corporations’ Overseas Manageren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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