dc.description.abstract | As ASEAN officially operating since 2015 and South-Oriented Developing Strategy released by new government in early 2016, ASEAN has been under media spotlight. ASEAN Economic Community, also known as ACE, has operated since the end of 2015 with founding countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand and follow-up members like Brunei, Vietnam, Lao, Myanmar, and Cambodia. In ACE, trading are exempt from customs duty tariff and services, human resources and technologies can be exchanged with barriers.
From AEC to Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, One Belt One Road Policy to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the ASEAN countries are always the beneficiaries, especially from AIIB and One Belt One Road Policy. It is foreseeable that with funding from these organizations, ASEAN countries can develop faster, attract more foreign investments, create more job opportunities, raise GDP per capita, and form stronger consumer markets.
Cambodia is the typical beneficiary from the Southeast Asia booming. Cambodia was one of the fastest growing countries around the globe with average economic growth rate of 7.8% from 2004 to 2014. With few limits on investments and no restriction on foreign exchange, no profit feedback restriction, no discrimination against foreign investments, tariff concessions, etc. Cambodia is seen as a country with high degree of freedom on foreign exchange and financial market, which attracts many investments from Taiwanese companies and also raises author’s interest on current Cambodian investment conditions. With current Cambodian political and economic condition and Taiwanese banks expanding to Cambodia followed by Taiwanese companies, how to find profitable investing opportunities and to face challenges is the main topic of this research. | en_US |