博碩士論文 103521075 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTun-Yi Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文乃是與另一位同學論文[1]合作主要目的為使用低成本的材料與零件去設計製作一個靈活的機器人頭並讓此機器人頭能與人互動。機器人頭的頸部機構設計可以有三維的運動方向,並以SolidWorks進行繪製,為了達到低成本、減輕重量的目的,我們利用SolidWorks繪製機構後,透過3D列印機列印出各頸部部件,並與[1]所設計之頭部組合,完成一個機器人頭。在頸部三維運動的裝置設計與控制上,為了減少馬達支撐頭部的負擔,頸部上下兩方安裝三角形板,中間部分使用彈簧作為支撐,兩塊三角形板的三個角鑽洞並以鋼線連結至安裝在下方盒子中的馬達,透過三個AX-12伺服馬達的收線與放線來讓彈簧彎曲和位於上三角形板的馬達轉動來達成頸部的三維度運動。在與人互動方面,本論文利用Kinect感測器與觸摸感測器從環境獲得資訊,機器人頭能自主判斷感測器之資訊並給予不同回應。本論文設計出四個主要功能來讓機器人頭與人互動,分別為:1)照相與網路相簿功能; 2)音樂歌唱功能; 3)語音辨識與說話功能; 4)觸摸與拍打回應功能。使用者可以根據[1]所設計出來的手勢來開啟所需要的功能來與機器人頭互動,其中1)照相與網路相簿功能乃是[1]之工作內容,在音樂歌唱功能方面,本論文利用MIDI、MP3與KSC資訊,讓頸部控制與嘴巴張合可以配合音樂節拍與歌詞;在語音辨識與說話功能方面,機器人頭可以成功地辨識出人所說的話,並根據所說的話來給予回應;在觸摸與拍打回應功能方面,我們利用Arduino接收觸摸感測器MPR121的資訊,讓機器人頭可以像人一樣擁有觸覺。最後,透過結合硬體機構與程式功能,來完成一個能與人互動的機器人頭。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis cooperates with my partner [1] to complete a robot head. This thesis uses low-cost materials and components to design and fabricate a nimble robot head which can interact with people. In the aspect of structure, the neck mechanism has three-dimension motion and the design is based on the drawing of SolidWorks. In order to achieve the goal of cheaper and lighter, many parts of the robot head are made by the 3D printer. The robot head is towed by motors to present the motions, in order to reduce the load of the motor, two pieces of triangular plates are set on both top and bottom of the neck and a spring is placed in the middle as a supporter. Each corner of each triangular plate has a drilled hole, and there is a steel wire connects two triangular plates through the corresponding corner’s holes and connects to the motor under the bottom triangular plate. Three AX-12 motors tow three steel wires with different force, respectively, such that the spring has different directions bending. For the human interaction, the Kinect sensor and touch-sensors are used to receive information from the environment or people, so that the robot head can give suitable responses correspondingly. There are four interaction functions with people as follows. (1) photo taking [1], (2) music playing, (3) speech recognition and dialogue, and (4) touching and beating. When a music playing, MIDI, MP3, and KSC information of the music are analyzed so that the neck can swing and mouth can open or close corresponding to the rhythms and lyrics of the song. When a human talk to the robot head, the robot head can recognize speech sentences successfully and answer correctly. When a human pats or beats the robot head, Arduino is used to receive information from touch-sensor MPR121 and then robot head will have the corresponding reaction or response like a human being.en_US
DC.subjectrobot headen_US
DC.subjectservo motoren_US
DC.subjectThree-dimensional motionen_US
DC.subjectSpeech recognitionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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