博碩士論文 103553003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Tao Sunen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract論文名稱:使用LoRa & Xbee 傳輸特性,實現農業4.0自動化農業技術 頁數:47 校所別:中央大學通訊工程系碩士在職專班 畢業時間:一零七學年度第二學期 學位:碩士 研究生:孫逸韜 指導教授:吳中實 博士 民以食為天,在今日人口爆炸的年代,糧食、農作物的重要性不言而喻。然而在傳統農業中,依憑個人經驗栽種與管理農作物,十分容易因為天氣的各種因素,影響收成好壞。例如每年氣候、溫度、空氣濕度、土壤濕度與陽光照度的差異性,往往造成收成上的落差,時常發生今年收成好、明年收成卻很差的情況。不僅無法維持生產穩定、達成生產效率化,也易造成農民資源投入的浪費。 隨著時代的進步,大數據的應用、網路科技、IOT物聯網與自動化技術的發達,農業生產也有全新的模式。農業4.0,IoT的全新技術應用,將可針對農物進行監控,包含溫度、濕度、土壤濕度、陽光照度、下雨時間與雨量多寡等環境情況,行進所有的監控,並給予植物所喜歡的生產環境,達到最大產能,並提升生產效率。 本論文針對農業4.0技術討論,建置有效的管理系統,包括環境所有情況,進行監控平台及server端資料即時監控與管理。資料收集平台由Arduino Mega 2560作為開發平台,並結合溫度、濕度、土壤濕度、陽光照度與雨量偵測sensor,來感應所有環境數據後,藉由LoRa無線通訊方式,將資料傳送至遠端監控中心,進行環境數據監控,此項目不僅僅可使用在農業上,亦可於所有需收集環境數據的應用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSummary Paper Title: Using LoRa & Xbee Transmission Features to Implement Agricultural 4.0 Automation Agriculture Technology Number of pages: 47 School: Department of Communication Engineering, NCU University Graduation time: the second semester of the 2007 school year Degree: Master Graduate student: Sun Yi-Tao, Professor: Wu Jung-Shyr, Ph.D. People are eating for food. In the era of population explosion today, the importance of food and crops is self-evident. However, in traditional agriculture, planting and managing crops based on personal experience is very easy to affect the harvest due to various factors of the weather. For example, the annual difference in climate, temperature, air humidity, soil moisture and sunlight illuminance often leads to a gap in the harvest. It is often the case that the harvest this year is good and the harvest next year is very poor. Not only can it not maintain production stability, achieve production efficiency, but also easily waste farmers′ resources. With the advancement of the times, the application of big data, network technology, IOT Internet of Things and automation technology, agricultural production also has a new model. Agriculture 4.0, IoT′s new technology application, will be able to monitor agricultural materials, including temperature, humidity, soil moisture, sunlight, rain time and rainfall, etc., all the monitoring, and give the plant a favorite production Environment, achieve maximum capacity and increase production efficiency. This paper is aimed at the discussion of agricultural 4.0 technology, and establishes an effective management system, including all situations of the environment, and monitors and manages the monitoring platform and server-side data in real time. The data collection platform is used by the Arduino Mega 2560 as a development platform. Combined with temperature, humidity, soil moisture, sunlight illumination and rainfall detection sensor to sense all environmental data, the data is transmitted to the remote monitoring center by LoRa wireless communication. For environmental data monitoring, this project can be used not only in agriculture, but also in all applications that need to collect environmental data. This paper is aimed at the discussion of agricultural 4.0 technology, and establishes an effective management system, including all situations of the environment, and monitors and manages the monitoring platform and server-side data in real time. The data collection platform is used by the Arduino Mega 2560 as a development platform. Combined with temperature, humidity, soil moisture, sunlight illumination and rainfall detection sensor to sense all environmental data, the data is transmitted to the remote monitoring center by LoRa wireless communication. For environmental data monitoring, this project can be used not only in agriculture, but also in all applications that need to collect environmental data.en_US
DC.title使用LoRa & Xbee 傳輸特性, 實現農業4.0自動化農業技術zh_TW
DC.titleThe implementation of agricultural 4.0 automated agricultural technology using LoRa and xBee transmission featuresyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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