博碩士論文 103621015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorPo-Han Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract空氣汙染的議題於近幾年來可說是有越來越多相關的研究,而東南亞地區的中南半島生質燃燒提供了一個有利的環境來研究氣膠、輻射與雲之間的交互作用,於此同時也發現了在春季時普遍存在於華南地區大範圍的層積雲。本篇研究著重於此地區春季的大尺度環流結構與層積雲形成原因。首先利用不同年份的衛星影像證實華南地區於春季時的確有大面積的層積雲存在,接著利用熱力與動力觀點來探討層積雲的現象。熱力觀點是用斜溫圖分析層積雲發生時大氣垂直的靜力穩定度;動力觀點則是用兩個不同解析度的再分析資料進行大氣環流、水氣傳輸及垂直運動的分析。 分析結果在熱力部分為當層積雲發生時,邊界層存在一逆溫層,此逆溫層的產生使的空氣不易有深對流發展;動力部分在大尺度環流分925mb、850mb及700mb來分析,使用2013~2015二月至四月的兩個再分析資料,分別是NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2(解析度2.5o X 2.5o)及NCEP FNL (Final) Operational Global Analysis data(解析度1.0o X 1.0o ),兩組再分析資料的結果皆有類似的大尺度環流結構,由於此時是北半球春季正值季節轉換,所以在大尺度的環流還是可以看到有冬寒潮反氣旋及西北太平洋副熱帶高壓外圍環流影響此地區,高空部分則是西風分量主導。另外也討論大氣的輻合輻散狀況,有雲的產生必須有大氣質量的輻合作用來產生上升運動,最終形成此地區的層積雲與降水。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAir pollution issues have been comprehensively studied in recent years. The Southeast Asian biomass burning events, particularly in Indochina Peninsula, provide a favorable environment for probing the aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions. Meanwhile, there is an interesting weather phenomenon showed up. A vast ubiquitous low-level stratocumulus exist over the Southeast Asia during the spring time. Based upon the satellite images which were taken in different years, the presence of the extensively stratocumulus is truly proved. Therefore, the thermal concept and the dynamic concept are respectively applied to analyzing the formation of the stratocumulus cloud. The thermal concept is displayed in Skew-T diagrams, the outcomes show there must have a temperature inversion in the boundary layer. With the temperature inversions, deep convection won′t develop easily. On the other hand, the dynamic concept is fulfilled with two different resolution reanalysis data. One is NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2 with 2.5o X 2.5o resolution, another is NCEP FNL (Final) Operational Global Analysis data with 1.0o X 1.0o resolution. Using 2013~2015 February to April data to probe the 925mb、850mb and 700mb large-scale circulation. Due to the spring time is still on the season′s transition, the large-scale circulation still remain the winter characteristic of cold surge and is influenced by the rim of the northwestern Pacific subtropical high. The upper level is therefore dominated by the westerlies. In addition to the large-scale circulation, convection is vital to the cloud formation as well. The convection will induce the upward motion to finally form the stratocumulus cloud and cause precipitation.en_US
DC.titleThe Depiction of Stratocumulus over the Southeast China in Springen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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