博碩士論文 103757014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTsui-Ying Chiuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract屏東醬油鼎盛時期,醬油的產值牽動了當地客家族群相關產業的發展,創造輝煌的歷史及外銷實績,屏東地區客家人在此扮演著極為重要的角色,更於國內外建立良好的商譽與產值,普受好評,醬油的製作蘊含著的是客家人勤儉樸實的生活態度,以及認命守份的客家精神,有著技術、觀念,甚或是某種深藏於內在方面的文化脈絡,讓富含「客庄味」的醬油能流傳下去。而近期黑心食用油連環爆,如何把關釀製品質,獲得消費者的肯定更是醬油產業發展關鍵要素 本研究以屏東縣客庄醬油產業為例,其研究目的有四項,一、探究屏東客庄醬油產業過去與現在之族群意象;二、探討屏東客家人從事醬油產業之興起與歷程;三、了解屏東客庄醬油產業發展現況及其面臨的困境,擴大客家醬油產業之商機,並給予醬油產業永續發展的可行建議。本研究透過文獻資料及深度訪談當地醬油產業之相關人士,梳理出醬油產業的發展脈絡,及探討發展醬油產業對當地帶來哪些族群文化價值。 本研究發現,屏東醬油產業是日治時期開始,屏東醬油產業的蓬勃發展,發展出許多釀製技術以及人才等背景,發展出客家族群之族群勞動力網絡以及群聚發展,帶動客庄產業發展;屏東醬油產業興起與變遷方面,與早期「萬家香醬園」的影響最相關,聚集經濟、社會資本及政策與經濟環境構成屏東醬油產業蓬勃發展;發展現況方面以發展在地特色醬油產業、醬油工廠企業化經營以及結合休閒、健康並強化食安品質的醬油產業;發展困境方面,有經濟環境的改變與欠缺資金支持與政策輔導、推廣與傳承與新型態行銷趨勢,。最後,本研究為未來想研究屏東醬油產業的研究者提出四點研究建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis essay is to help understand the development of Hakka culture industry and to introduce Hakka village unique industry into the society. Besides pursuing the goal of economic value, also pursuing the development of these industries.We try to find the connection between Hakka community and industry development in order to build a local industry based on Hakka community. In Taiwan, soy sauce is mainly a food processing industry, mass production areas in Taiwan are Yunlin and Pingtung county. Between these two areas, Pingtung has have over hundred years of history on producing soy sauce. However, there are barely any articles or studies indicating how Hakka community affects the soy sauce industry. For above reasons, this study will be based on the soy sauce industry of Pingtung county. This essay will be featuring on three purposes. First, understanding the meaning of soy sauce for Hakka community both in the past and present. Second, understanding the history and the rising of soy sauce for the Hakkanese in Pingtung county. Third, understanding the development and the difficulty they are facing nowadays in order to expand their business and give suggestions on how to help this industry to have sustainable development. The resource for this study is from different references and also by interviewing local important people related to this industry. Sorting out the history of the industry development and discovering the cultural value that this industry brings. The development history can be divided into four stages, each stage has their own key factor that helps what soy sauce industry becomes today, however the value in different stages are totally different. Also, each stage might slightly have effects on other stages, such as reinforcement or weaken. Last but not the least, this research helps sort out the context of Pingtung soy sauce development, the difficulties they face today, and the next step they are able to take in the future. Hoping that Pingtung Hakka soy sauce industry can continue to grow bigger, create more culture and economic value for the local people. In the global economic transition, this industry can continue to be developed or even create a new trend in the future.en_US
DC.subjectHakka cultural industryen_US
DC.subjectDietary cultureen_US
DC.subjectPingtung soy sauce Industryen_US
DC.titleA study of Hakka cultural industry-A case on soy sauce Industry of Pingtung Countyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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