博碩士論文 103757022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 藉由對日常交易的分析,一方面探討閩南、客家及原住民於交易時產生的族群互動關係,另一方面討論沿山地區的居民,在日常交易互動的過程中,是否會影響族群認同和刻板印象;最後,跨越交易物品的真實樣貌,回溯過去交易的行為模式,了解交易與信任的關聯性。 多種族群生活在同一個時空,必定有所接觸,進而產生族群互動關係,族群關係是不同種族或群體間的相互關係,其中亦包含了正向與負向兩種不同的族群關係及態度;即為某一族群的個體或群體,與另一族群的族群個體或群體進行任何良性或惡性關係層面的人際互動。族群關係做為一種社會組成的原理,必須透過日常生活互動過程中來了解,而各個族群他們的階級位置、相對認同關係,不論是在有關實際存在的切身利益,或是名稱上的自我認同等因素,都會影響兩造的互動。 在研究期間,瞭解了桃園市復興區三民里雜貨店經營現況與交易模式,以及研讀日常生活與族群互動之相關理論與文獻後,對於日常生活交易中,族群互動狀況,概略知悉顧客在雜貨店交易時,可能產生的互動關係。為了能夠進一步瞭解三民里各族群於日常生活交易中,產生的族群互動關係,因此本研究透過深度訪談,分析傳統雜貨店日常交易的方式以及社會鑲嵌元素,再來藉由訪談所獲取的內容,來探討三民里居民於雜貨店交易時,運用何種語言做為溝通的媒介,並進一步探究日常生活交易時的語言使用與交易之關聯性,最後經過長期觀察族群的互動過程,對於閩南、客家及原住民之族群刻板印象進行分析。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Through the analysis of everyday transactions, this study probes into the interaction in the transactions among the Minnanese, Hakkanese and indigenous people and tries to find out if the everyday transactions and interaction among the residents living in mountainous areas would influence the identity of and stereotype against ethnic groups. Moreover, this study analyzes the real appearance of the goods in transactions and the behavioral modes in the past transactions, so as to explore the relevance between transaction and trust. If different ethnic groups live in the same space at the same time, they would communicate with each other, which would lead to an interaction among them. The relation among ethnic groups refers to the interaction among different races or groups, including positive and negative relations among and attitudes towards ethnic groups. In other words, it indicates the positive or negative interpersonal interaction between the individuals or colonies of an ethnic group and the individuals or colonies of another ethnic group. As a principle of social organization, the relation among ethnic groups must be understood through the interaction in daily life. However, the hierarchical position, the relative identity relation, the actual interest, and self-identity of an ethnic group would influence its interaction with others. In the study, the author delved into the current operations and trade modes of the grocery stores in Sanmin Village, Fuxing District, Taoyuan City, and collected the theories and documents about daily life and the interaction among ethnic groups, and thus gained some knowledge of the possible interaction among the customers in their transaction with the grocery stores in daily life. To investigate into the interaction among the ethnic groups in the everyday transactions in Sanmin Village, this study adopted an in-depth interview to analyze the everyday transactions of the traditional grocery stores and the social mosaic factors. With the information obtained from the interview, it elaborated on the languages the Sanmin Village residents used as communication media in the transaction with the grocery stores and discussed the relevance between language user and transaction in daily life. Finally, this study analyzed the stereotype against the Minnanese, Hakkanese and indigenous people on the basis of a long-term observation on the interaction among the ethnic groups.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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