DC 欄位 值 語言 DC.contributor 學習與教學研究所 zh_TW DC.creator 謝賢頴 zh_TW DC.creator Hsien-Ying Hsieh en_US dc.date.accessioned 2019-6-27T07:39:07Z dc.date.available 2019-6-27T07:39:07Z dc.date.issued 2019 dc.identifier.uri http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:444/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=104127001 dc.contributor.department 學習與教學研究所 zh_TW DC.description 國立中央大學 zh_TW DC.description National Central University en_US dc.description.abstract 本研究探討在台灣的大學師資培育中心學生(以下簡稱師資生)於課室小組討論活動時的參與,並了解師資生在參與課室討論活動後,對課室討論活動的看法與變化,以及其學期初與學期末將討論活動應用在教案設計的調整。研究目的有三:一、了解師資生於課室小組討論於小組內口語言談參與的樣貌、角色的扮演與整個學期的參與變化;二、探討師資生於課室小組討論時有口語參與與沒有口語參與的原因;三、師資生在參與課室小組討論前後如何對小組討論活動的看法,並在參與「教學原理」課程後,對學期初個人教案設計中的討論活動有何調整與變化。對照三個研究問題:一、組成一固定小組的六名師資生,在「教學原理」課程的小組討論活動中如何參與討論?二、影響六名小組成員在小組討論中參與對話的因素為何?三、六名師資生在參與「教學原理」的小組討論與相關反思活動後,對於小組討論的觀點產生何種變化?原因為何? 研究者採用質性個案研究法進行探究,使用「立意取樣」選取國立大學師培中心教學原理課程中的其中一組六位來自英文系大學部三年級的女學生討論小組,作為主要研究參與者,研究者對六名學生進行深度的個人、團體訪談,並將訪談資料轉為逐字稿,另外,從六位小組成員於期初期末設計的個人教案設計與心得報告中蒐集相關研究資料,進行資料的整理、編碼和分析。 研究結果顯示:一、課室內小組討論活動進行時,通常會有專屬於小組內的口語互動輪廓;二、影響大學師資生於課室內小組討論口語參與因素,包含個人特質、與組員的熟識度、討論活動時的安全感、課程進行時學習者的精神狀態、討論主題的魅力、課室言談氛圍的營造;三、本次課程中小組討論的頻率與時間相較過去經驗來的高且長,討論中並非只是將教學者想聽到的回答出來,而是需要從不同角度深度思考和討論觀點;討論小組成員在討論活動的初期,對於要如何討論、要討論什麼並不是很明白,在一次次討論活動循環中,參考教學者的討論規則和方式,組員間更加熟識,讓討論活動越來越熱絡,不過小組內說話的人變多,有的組員反倒從較多的口語參與轉變為較少的口語參與。此外,組員也發現越到期末,組內相互討論語氣、用詞越來越直白,更能針對主題提出想法,不再如期初時需要刻意修飾和委婉,讓觀點的傳達更直接快速。在後續的教案設計中,小組成員也對於期初時自己設計的教案裡的討論活動進行調整與修改。 最後,根據本研究的結果和發現,對於第一線教學者、學習者、對課室言談討論議題有興趣的人,提出一些建議,作為教學時或研究的參考。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract This qualitative case study investigates six pre-service teachers’ oral participation in group discussions in a teacher education course. In particular, we aim to understand (1) the ways these pre-service teachers participate in small group discussions, (2) the factors that enable and disable their participation in small group discussions, and (3) how their participation in the course changes the ways they perceive and design discussion activities in their lesson plan design assignments. The researcher employs a qualitative case study approach to understand the above inquiry questions. Participants are six female pre-service teachers. All of them are university junior students from the English department. Data include field notes from observing their group discussions during the 18-week “Principles of Instruction” course, individual interviews, semi-structural interviews, focused group discussions, and assignments. Data is analyzed with an open-coding approach to capture emerging themes and meanings. We conclude with the following research results. First, there is a regular pattern or form through which these participants talk. Second, these students’ oral participation is decided and defined by multiple inter-related factors such as participants′ individual characteristics and readiness to discuss, personal interests in the issues for discussion, familiarity with group members, sense of safety and familiarity with the discussed topics arising from the overall design of discussion activities. Third, students’ participation in the group discussions are generally longer, deeper, and more frequent than their experiences in other courses. These discussions also demand them to take on different roles and perspectives. During the course of the entire semester, group members became more straight forward and the discussions became more efficient and relevant. en_US DC.subject 課室言談 zh_TW DC.subject 小組討論 zh_TW DC.subject 同儕討論 zh_TW DC.subject 討論活動設計 zh_TW DC.subject group discussion en_US DC.subject oral participation en_US DC.subject peer discussion en_US DC.subject discussion design en_US DC.title 課室小組討論活動的口語參與-以六名大學師資生為例 zh_TW dc.language.iso zh-TW zh-TW DC.title Understanding Oral Participation in Group Discussions: The Case of Six Pre-Service Teachers in a Teacher Education Course en_US DC.type 博碩士論文 zh_TW DC.type thesis en_US DC.publisher National Central University en_US