博碩士論文 104127005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorI-Hui Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以行動敘說的方式去探討一位在影子教育下任教的數學家教老師,在2014到2016年如何透過科技工具建構網路專業教師社群,進一步發展教師個人的科技教學知能,並且如何將科技實踐於教學中。 本研究蒐集教師社群會議記錄、網路社群筆記本、課程錄影紀錄、教師教學日記等資料作為行動敘說的研究資料,將一位數學家教老師進行資訊融入專業分成四個階段,分別為形成期、建構期、實踐期、反思期,形成專業學習社群意識,從對話與紀錄中建構科技教學知識,將科技教學知識實踐於教學中,以有遠距和電子白板功能的資訊工具融入個案教學,從學生、家長與同儕教師的回饋進行反思,再次調整教學內容。 研究結果發現:1.社群知識庫涵蓋科技教學內容知識,為一位數學家教老師專業發展的重要資源。2.實體教師專業社群的建立,定期會面交流能促使教師彼此信任感增加以及在教學上給予立即的經驗回饋。3. 電子白板融入一對二教學,學生是十年級生,由於學生理解程度不同,須採個別化教學,同一時段交錯講解的方式,才能有效協助兩位學生在學業上的穩定表現。4.課程融入遠距教學和監控功能的互動式電子白板,對具有升學壓力的九年級學生執行成效好,科技工具成為課堂必備工具。5.面對八年級生,老師需同時教導數學和輔導理化兩科,原期以遠距教學方式增加上課時數,進行補充教學,但該生表現不如預期,改採非同步的線上解題指導,父母協助追蹤學習狀況,才能有效協助學生在課業上穩定表現。綜上,一位數學家教老師要將科技融入教學必須以學生為本,彈性調整教學方式,才能夠達到預期效果。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract In this study, action narrative inquiry was adopted to explore how a mathematics tutor in the shadow education develop professional learning community (PLC) and technology, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) in the instructional practice by technologies. The data were collected by using records of PLC’s meeting, notes of online-PLC, course videos, and teacher’s teaching daries. A math tutor used technology integrated into instruction which had four stages, such as forming period, constructive period, practice period, and reflection period. In the froming period, teachers formed professional learning community awareness. PLC constructed TPACK knowledge through teachers’ dialogues and PLC’s knowledge base became the most important instructional resource in constructive period. Third, a math tutor practice TPACK in teaching, such as distance education, electronic whiteboard into one-on-two teaching, physical and virtual mixing course. Finally, a math tutor reflected and adjusted the instructional program through students、parents and peer teachers’ feedback. The key findings of this study are as follows. 1. The community knowledge base covered TPACK was an important resource for the professional development for a math tutor. 2. PLC’s physical meeting promoted the trust and relationship between teachers by giving immediate instructional feedback. 3. For teaching each students well, a tutor should take turn to teach 10th grade students by interactive whiteboard in one-on-two class. 4. The 9th grade student had high satisfaction due to the pressure form study, and technological tool became necessary in the class. 5. For 8th grade student who needed to be instructed math and science, the tutor adpoted on-line class to add class hours, but the student couldn’t learn well. And then, the tutor adopted on-line messages to solve her subjects’ problems and her parents monitored her learning process that helped her preform stably in the school. In summary, a mathematics tutor wants to integrate technology into instruction effectively should consider students’ need to adjust instructional skill.en_US
DC.subjectmathematics tutoren_US
DC.subjectonline teachers’ communitiesen_US
DC.subjectdistance teachingen_US
DC.subjectprofessional knowledge developmenten_US
DC.subjectperfessional learning communitiesen_US
DC.title一位數學家教老師 如何資訊融入專業知能發展zh_TW
DC.titleA Mathematics Tutor How to Improve her Technology, Pedagogical and Content Knowledgeen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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