博碩士論文 104127008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Ting Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract數位學習儼然已成為趨勢。在這⼀股趨勢下,不少的遊戲式學習研究⼤多關注於遊戲式學習是否能促進學習者的學習動機、態度及成效。然⽽,本研究關⼼的是:探討學習者的⽤法與設計者原意是否相符?因此,提出以下研究問題:第⼀,數位平台的設計者與使⽤者之間,有哪些落差?第⼆,使⽤者所湧現的學習⾏為,透過情境學習理論的⾓度將如何賦予不同的學習意義? 本研究以Lave & Wenger(1991)情境學習理論的⼆元概念——教學型課程(teaching curriculum)、學習型課程(learning curriculum)為分析視⾓,將所獲研究結果分為以下三類:⼀、TC 規範內湧現的LC,學⽣在設計者給定的教學課程範圍內,湧現出乎意料的學習課程;⼆、TC 規範外湧現的LC,學⽣在規範之外也展現有趣與特殊的學習現象;第三、學習環境顛簸展現的創意學習,在數位學習學校的環境裡,以網路維繫所有的線上學習活動,當網路環境顛簸狀況頻出時,學⽣則湧現另⼀番與前兩項截然不同的新學習現象。 本研究具體貢獻在於:透過情境學習理論⾓度,作為資料分析視⾓與主要研究⼯具,並由學⽣⾓度出發,揭露數位學習裡經常被忽略的設計者與預設與使⽤者實作間的落差。對於學⽣不同的學習⽅式,以理論詮釋賦予新的學習意義,亦提供未來研究新的研究視野與⽅向。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDigital learning has become a trend. Under this trend, many researches on game-based learning focus on whether it can promote learners′ learning motivation, attitude and effectiveness. However, this study is concerned with: does the learner′s usage match the designer′s original intention? Therefore, the following research questions are raised: first, what is the gap between the designers and users of digital platforms? Second, how will the emergent learning behaviors of users give different learning meanings from the perspective of situational learning theory? This study therefore borrowed Lave and Wenger′s (1991) ideas of "teaching curriculum"(TC) and "learning curriculum"(LC) as the lens to explore this neglected phenomenon. Three different kinds of responses from the students about the teaching curriculum behind the e-platform were discovered. One is LC emerges in TC specification, and students emerge unexpected learning curriculum within the given teaching curriculum scope of designers. Another is LC emerges outside the TC norms, and students also show interesting and special learning phenomena outside the norms. The other is creative learning in a bumpy learning environment. In the digital learning school environment, all online learning activities are supported by the Internet. When the bumpy learning environment occurs frequently, new learning phenomena emerge which are quite different from the former two. The specific contribution of this research lies in: from the perspective of situational learning theory, as the data analysis perspective and the main research tool, and from the perspective of students, the gap between designers and presuppositions that are often neglected in digital learning and students′ use is revealed. Different learning styles of students are endowed with new learning significance through theoretical interpretation, and new research horizons and directions for future research are also provided.en_US
DC.subjectteaching curriculumen_US
DC.subjectlearning curriculumen_US
DC.subjectsituated-learning theoryen_US
DC.subjectgame-based learningen_US
DC.titleImprovised learning in a prescribed one-to-one digital classroom:A viewpoint from design and emergenten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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