博碩士論文 104155002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Yu Yehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文以戰後臺灣發行的報紙為研究素材,從報紙中的報導內容探討減肥觀念在臺灣的發展過程,分別從減肥觀念的形塑與傳遞、減肥方法的傳佈與實踐以及減肥觀念盛行後對臺灣的影響三方面依序討論。 以減肥觀念的形塑與傳遞而言,減肥觀念的形成主要是奠基於「以瘦為美」的審美觀念以及「肥胖非福」的健康觀念,多數群眾減肥的動機也是基於這兩種因素。原本進行減肥的民眾只是少數,但是在此兩種觀念的推動下,越來越多人參與減肥,許多高社經地位、高知名度的人物都陸續投入減肥的行列。 關於減肥方法的傳佈與實踐,報紙提供的減肥資訊通常可分為飲食、運動與醫療三方面,這三種方式各有利弊,大多醫師建議以飲食控制加運動的方式減肥,但不少民眾採用的卻是醫師較不推薦的減肥藥物。從戰後至今,減肥藥都是民眾用以減肥手段之一,在減肥意識盛行時,某一藥物的用量更是全球第四名。 減肥觀念的興盛帶起一股減肥風潮,審美觀念在報章媒體的推動下,強化民眾對於苗條身材的「需求」,創造更多的商業利益。「以瘦為美」的單一審美觀使得部分青少年以激烈手段減肥,最後甚至患有厭食症或暴食症。而減肥市場的龐大商機除了創造更多新減肥商品的出現,也造成許多不肖商人與民眾為了錢財知法犯法。 綜看減肥觀念在臺灣形成與發展的歷程,從戰後到1970年代是減肥意識形成與推廣的時期;1980年代減肥產業蓬勃發展,減肥機構紛紛成立,減肥食品、器材、課程不斷推陳出新;1990年後減肥風潮席捲臺灣,人們開始正視兒童的肥胖問題,但同時「以瘦為美」審美觀也造成極端減肥事件層出不窮。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, the research material was the newspaper published in Taiwan after the war, discussing the development of weight loss in Taiwan from the newspaper coverage. The three aspects that had an impact on Taiwan were discussed in order: the formation and spread of weight loss, the transfer and practice of weight loss methods and the prevalence of weight loss. The formation and spread of weight loss was based on the aesthetics idea ‘The thinner, the more beautiful.’ and the health concept ‘Obesity is non-blessing.’ The majority of the motivation to lose weight was based on these two factors. With these two reasons, the number of weight loss was rising up. And more and more people with high social status and well-known people were joining weight loss. In terms of the spread and practice of weight loss methods, the information that newspaper provided could usually be divided into three parts: diet, exercise and medical. Each method had its own advantages and disadvantages. Most physicians recommended diet control plus exercise to lose weight, but many people used pills which was less recommended by physicians. After the war, pills were one of the means used by people to lose weight. In the prevalence of weight loss, the amount of one specific pill took the fourth place in the world. The rise of weight loss brought a wave of losing weight. The newspaper media carrying out aesthetic ideas strengthened the demand of the slim figure and created more business interests. The uni-aesthetic idea ‘The thinner, the more beautiful.’ made many teenagers using intense means to lose weight, and finally even with anorexia or bulimia. The huge business opportunities in the weight loss market not only created lots of new weight loss products, but also caused many unsatisfactory businessmen and public to deliberately break the law. The development of weight loss in Taiwan from 1950 to 2005: After the war to 1970s, weight loss was formed and spread; in 1980s, weight loss industry was booming including weight loss institutions, diet food, equipment and courses; In 1990s, weight loss was prevalence in Taiwan. People began to face the problem of childhood obesity. The aesthetic idea ‘The thinner, the more beautiful.’ also caused lots of events of using intense means to lose weight.en_US
DC.subjectWeight Lossen_US
DC.titleFarewell to Obesity: From the Contents of the Post-War Taiwan Newspaper to See the Formation and Practice of Weight Lossen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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