博碩士論文 104155010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJih-Chuan Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract滿漢議題之拿捏與處理,一直為清政府之大事,而曾靜案是關係到滿漢問題、華夷關係與雍正即位等重大事件,實為雍正皇帝的重大考驗。故雍正帝之處理手段十分謹慎,他史無前例的頒行《大義覺迷錄》一書,想藉此書來闡述「新的華夷關係」,宣講清朝正統性,並駁斥坊間對其立位不正的傳聞。 「華夷之辨」是用於區辨華夏與蠻夷的一種概念,原本以「華夏文化」為標準來分別華夷。南宋時開始有了變化。漢族士人擔憂夷狄入侵,遂藉由對《春秋》經義的詮釋,定義出以「地域」的界線來區分華夷。此舉為後來到明末遺民、呂留良、曾靜等人華夷觀的基礎。而雍正則以《大義覺迷錄》對此種「地域」華夷觀嚴正駁斥,認為以往的疆域為界是不符實狀的,強調應回歸以「文化」作為華夷之別的準則。而滿清既已奉行漢族文化,雍正聲稱滿清政權應「得統之正」。 雍正為解決曾靜案後的滿漢衝突,他在《大義覺迷錄》中疾呼「華夷一家」、「滿漢皆為一體」,藉此安撫民心。然而清朝的立國基礎,卻是「八旗滿洲為我朝根本」—— 確保滿族的文化與地位的優越。此兩種矛盾的滿漢政策在曾靜案後浮上檯面。故本文亦探討曾靜案後,雍正所施行的文化與政治政策,檢視湖南的觀風整俗使、曾靜案後的滿漢刑責、科舉用人等制度,以呈現雍正滿漢政策的理論與實踐。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe handling and evaluation of Manchu-Chinese issues have always been a major emphasis for the Qing government. And the Case of Zeng Jing played an essential role in Manchu-Chinese issues, the relations between the Han Chinese and alien peoples, and the Emperor Yongzheng’s ascendency to the throne, which were the major challenges before the emperor. Therefore, Emperor Yongzheng was very cautious in handling this case. His unprecedented act of publishing the book, Reinterpret Record of Awoke Scholars was his intention to elaborate on "the new relationship between Han Chinese and alien peoples," to claim the legitimacy of the Qing Dynasty, and to refute rumors about his unjustifiable ascendancy. The concept of "distinction between Han Chinese and alien peoples" was based on the differences of their cultures. However, its meaning began to change in Southern Song. The Han Chinese people worried about the invasion of barbarians, and then by interpreting Spring and Autumn Annals they defined Han Chinese and alien peoples by geographical boundary. The scholars from the late Ming dynasty, Lü Liuliang and Zeng Jing, were later influenced by this move. However, Yongzheng seriously rebuked this geographical viewpoint by the book "Reinterpret Record of Awoke Scholars." He held that past territories did not fit in the current situation and emphasized the importance of resuming "culture" as the criterion to distinguish the differences between Han Chinese and alien peoples. Since the Manchus have adopted the Han culture, Yongzheng claimed the Qing was the legitimate ruler of China. In order to solve the Manchu-Chinese conflicts after the case of Zeng Jing, Emperor Yongzheng appealed to the people with his slogans “Han Chinese and Alien Peoples belong to one family" and "Manchus-Han Chinese are one" in the Reinterpret Record of Awoke Scholars. However, the Qing dynasty was established on "the foundation of Manchuria is Eight Banners.” This was originally to ensure the supremacy of Manchu culture and position. The two contradictory policies of Manchu government loomed large after the Case of Zeng Jing. In order to have a better understanding on Yongzheng’s policies and practices in this matter, the last part of this thesis will examine several cases, such as the implementation of the Commissioners in observing culture and rectifying customs in Hunan province, the legal differences between Manchus and Han Chinese, and the differences in civil service examination between the two peoples. en_US
DC.subjectCase of Zeng Jingen_US
DC.subjectthe difference between Han Chinese and alien peoplesen_US
DC.subjectLü Liuliangen_US
DC.subjectpolicies on Manchus-Han Chinese relationsen_US
DC.subjectYongzheng emperoren_US
DC.subjectReinterpret Record of Awoke Scholarsen_US
DC.titleAn Examination of the Issues of Han Chinese-Alien Peoples in the Reinterpret Record of Awoke Scholarsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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