博碩士論文 104155015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTsun-Lung Tsouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中日戰爭自1937 年開戰以來,在日軍的政略、戰略的指導下,運用其優勢的兵、戰力對中國發起了攻擊,其目的除了掠奪資源外,更欲以武力屈服中、美、英等國,以確保在中國的利益及太平洋西南島嶼上的戰爭資源。因此,日本在「軍國主義」高漲的狀況下以武力向外掠奪的「大東亞戰爭」由此展開。偷襲珍珠港使得日軍在開戰初期獲得勝利及豐碩的戰果,然而禁運措施、美軍對日軍的開戰及中途島戰役,日軍損失大量的海、空戰力,無法確保「絕對國防圈」。戰爭資源短缺的日軍開始出現捉襟見肘的窘境,更因本土及大陸沿海的運輸船舶遭美軍轟、摧毀,使得日軍構思由中國派遣軍在中國戰場上,對河南、湖南及廣西等地區實施摧毀大陸美軍空軍基地為目的的「豫湘桂戰役」,經過「虎號兵棋」推演結果雖無法完備作戰需求,仍極盡所能的在1944 年4 月發起作戰。其中以豫中會戰(河南會戰)、長衡會戰(湖南會戰)及桂柳會戰(廣西會戰)等三場主要作戰為研究主軸,並以軍事理論中的野戰戰略觀點檢視中、日雙方用兵理則。最後日軍雖在1944 年12 月了打通大陸交通線及摧毀其佔領區的空軍基地,完成作戰所設定的戰略目標,然此時的日軍遭美軍在太平洋諸島嶼反攻,亦無法確保「南方資源區」而走向失敗。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince the war between China and Japan in 1937, under the guidance of the Japanese political and strategic, under the guidance of the strategy, the use of its superior soldiers,combat power launched an attack on China, its purpose in addition to plundering resources, but also to force to yield, the United States, Britain And other countries to ensure the interests of China and the Pacific Southwest islands on the war resources. Therefore, Japan in the ”militarism” situation of the situation by force to plunder the ”East Asia war” from this start. The attack on Pearl Harbor made the Japanese army in the early days of victory and fruitful victories, but the embargo measures, the US military war on the Japanese and the battlefield, the Japanese lost a lot of sea, air combat power, can not ensure ”absolute defense.” The Japanese army, the Japanese army, was deployed by the Chinese troops on the Chinese battlefield to carry out the destruction of the mainland, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, Air Force Base for the purpose of the ”battle of Henan and Henan”, after the ”tiger command” deduction results can not complete the combat needs,still do their best in April 1944 launched operations. (Henan battle) and Gui-liang battle(Guangxi battle) and other three major operations for the study of the main axis, and military theory of the field of strategic view of the view, both sides with the military management then. Finally, although the Japanese army in December 1944 to open up the mainland transport line and destroy its occupation area of the air force base, to complete the operational set of strategic objectives, but this time the Japanese army by the US military in the Pacific is lands ounterattack, can not ensure that the ”Southern Resources ”And to fail.en_US
DC.title1944 年「豫湘桂戰役」之研究zh_TW
DC.titleA Research on Battle of Henan-Hunan-Guangxi in 1944en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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