博碩士論文 104155019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Nung Sunen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣經歷過漫長的戒嚴時代,白色恐怖的陰影籠罩出版界,限制言論、思想的自由發展,兒童讀物自然受到時代氛圍的影響。在眾多類別的兒童讀物當中,知識類兒童讀物異於文學、故事類讀物,需要有嚴謹的知識作為基礎。然而這些「知識」卻隨著時代的變遷,某個時間點所奉為圭臬的知識,卻在下個時間點成為時代的眼淚。兒童百科全書是蒐集各種當代知識而成的兒童讀物,在時代的氛圍、影響之下,人們自願或非自願信奉的價值為何,這些價值也影響解讀知識的正確性。 1996年國民中學鄉土教育正式設科教學、1998年國民小學跟進,使鄉土教學活動成為國民中、小學課程的一部份;1997年國民中學社會科開始使用《認識臺灣》教材。在此之前,臺灣的孩子無法從體制內獲得臺灣相關的知識,故兒童百科成為他們認識故鄉的重要文本。本論文從編纂緣起、文化內涵以及關於臺灣的描述三大方向,去分析戰後至1980年代臺灣自編兒童百科中,內容關於臺灣部份的演變。 從分析中發現,這些兒童百科在政治認同方面,處在尚未廢除《動員戡亂時期臨時條款》時期,不承認對岸的「中華人民共和國」政權、不談1949年之後的中國大陸,彷彿對岸不存在一般;文化內涵上以漢文化認同為主軸,甚至歧視其他文化。隨著經濟發展導致環境的破壞,人們開始注重生態保育的觀念,許多兒童百科強調環境保育的重要。 而本文探討的重點《漢聲小百科》,初版至今創下了二十九版的紀錄,歷久不衰,當中的中華認同情懷,以及以扎實的田野調查為本,都源於漢聲出版社創辦《漢聲雜誌》時期打下來的基礎。《漢聲小百科》收錄大量臺灣本土題材,當中有延續前期百科的觀念,也有許多創新的地方,可說是臺灣本土自編百科全書當中,一個非常成功的例子。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract During the long “Martial Law Period” in Taiwan, the freedom of press, speech, and thought were all restricted under the horrific atmosphere of “White Terror”. Distinct from general children’s literature, encyclopedias for kids should be written with the foundation of the rigorous academic knowledge.This “knowledge” is nevertheless not immutable. The selection of the content of the Encyclopedia for Kids Series has been entirely distinct throughout different era. The content of different era of the Encyclopedia for Kids Since 1996, the jounior hight school of ”Local Education” was officially established, and in 1998, the elementary school was followed up, so that the local teaching activities became part of jounior hight and elementary school curriculum. The publication of the textbook "Introduction to Taiwan--The Society Section" in 1997. Before that, Taiwanese children couldn’t access the information about Taiwan from the standard school education, therefore, the encyclopedias for kids were important sources for them to learn about their homeland. This dissertation focuses on three main themes: the establishment of the 1984 “Children’s Han Shen Encyclopedia", cultural connotations and the description of Taiwan; this analysis stretches from the post-war era to the 1980s and looks at the local children′s encyclopedia and the evolution of the content concerning Taiwan. From the analysis, we discover that the political identity of the children’s encyclopedia is still as present as it was before the abolition of the Temporary Provisions Effective During the Period of National Mobilization for Suppression of the Communist Rebellion, which is the act of not recognizing the establishment of the government of the People Republic of China. Within this act of suppression, the changes that happened on the Mainland after 1949 could not be discussed as if the other regime did not exist at all. Cultural connotations were in place to promote Han cultural identity and to even discriminate against other cultures. Additionally, with the economic development came environmental damage. Eventually, people began to focus on the concept of ecological conservation, with many children encyclopedias stressing the importance of environmental conservation. The central point of this article is to explore “The Children’s Han Shen Encyclopedia”, from the first edition to today there has been twenty-nine editions, timeless and notable, in the center of Chinese identity with solid investigation-based field work. Sound Publishing House founded the "Han Shen magazine" period to lay the foundation. "The Children’s Han Shen Encyclopedia" itself contains a large number of local Taiwanese themes, which has continued from the concept of the early editions. There are also many innovative places, and it has been said that it is an extremely good example of a local Taiwanese encyclopedia.en_US
DC.subjectencyclopedias for kidsen_US
DC.subjectThe content of different era of the Encyclopedia for Kidsen_US
DC.subjectHan Shen magazineen_US
DC.subjectChildren’s Han Shen Encyclopediaen_US
DC.subjectcultural connotationen_US
DC.subjectthe description of Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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