博碩士論文 104155023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJing-Feng Hongen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中共建國之初,曾三次遭受美國核訛詐的威脅,因此,中共決議要發展自己的原子彈。在蘇聯的幫助下,除了為中共自主研製原子彈奠定基礎,也是導彈發展之嚆矢。1960年中蘇交惡,蘇聯撤回所有援助,此時中共開始自力更生,最終成功研製出原子彈。導彈則是從仿製蘇制的「P-2」彈道導彈後,自主研製衍生出的龐大「東風」導彈家族。因應原子彈和導彈的發展,中共開始組建導彈發展的領導與研製單位,並同時成立導彈發展的管理與訓練單位,在其基礎上,第二炮兵應運而生,從此中共擁有導彈作戰指揮體系,緊接著又完成「兩彈」結合,開始具備核打擊威懾能力。 第二炮兵的「東風」導彈家族發展出許多型號,第一代導彈計有「東風-2」中程彈道導彈、「東風-3」中程彈道導彈、「東風-4」遠程彈道導彈及「東風-5」洲際彈道導彈,除「東風-5」洲際彈道導彈的改進型─「東風-5B」洲際彈道導彈外,其餘均已除役。 第二代以後的導彈計有「東風-11」近程彈道導彈、「東風-15」近程彈道導彈、「東風-16」中程彈道導彈、「東風-21」中程彈道導彈、「東風-26」遠程彈道導彈、「東風-31」洲際彈道導彈及「東風-10」巡航導彈。各類型號又不斷的更新改進以達到先進技術水平,此外各有專責打擊的目標,值得注意的是陸基反艦型彈道導彈和巡航導彈,基本上可有效打擊美國航空母艦戰鬥群,將中共戰略影響力擴展到第二島鏈,另外洲際彈道導彈的目標也能涵蓋全世界大部分的地區,對美國產生極大的戰略威懾力量。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe starting of nuclear weapon development of People′s Republic of China (P.R.C) is a consequence of been Nuclear Blackmailed for three times by the U.S during the early years of their nation’s history. With the help from U.S.S.R, the fundamentals of self-developed nuclear weapons and ballistic missile has been established. By 1960’s, Sino-Soviet split happened. U.S.S.R withdrew all their support however, P.R.C has eventually succeeded in developing their own atomic bomb. As for the ballistic missile, the P.R.C imitated the U.S.S.R P-2 ballistic missile, which finally leads to the development of the huge DF missile family. In response to the development of atomic bomb and ballistic missile, P.R.C began to organize commanding and research units along with training units. These fundamentals later led to the establishment of the PLA Second Artillery Corps. Followed by the combination of atomic bombs and missiles, the P.R.C has had their own nuclear strike threatening ability ever since. There are a variety of the DF missile family of the Second Artillery Corps has been developed. The 1st generation of DF missile are the DF-2, DF-3 medium-range ballistic missile, DF-4 intermediate-range ballistic missile, and DF-5 intercontinental ballistic missile. The DF-5 is updated to the DF-5B model, and all the other 1st generation DF models are out of service by now. Models since the 2nd generation include the DF-11 Short-range ballistic missile, DF-15 Short-range ballistic missile, DF-16, DF-21 medium-range ballistic missile, DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile, DF-31 intercontinental ballistic missile, and DF-10 cruise missile. These models are continuously updating to fit the cutting-edge technology level. They all have their own roles and targets. Still, the Surface-to-Ship Missile as well as the cruise missile are capable of attacking the U.S carrier battle group, which expands the influences of the P.R.C to the Second island chain. Moreover, most of the areas around the globe are within range of the intercontinental ballistic missiles, making a great tactical threaten power to the U.S.en_US
DC.subjectatomic bomben_US
DC.subjectballistic missileen_US
DC.subjectcruise missileen_US
DC.titleA Research on Establishment and Evolution of the PLA Second Artillery Corps (1966-2015)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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