博碩士論文 104221020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiao-Li Hsiehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在這科技高速發展的時代中,學習的方法同樣與時俱進,數位學習成為現代學生不可或缺的一種學習方式。透過數位學習的方式,可幫助學習者找出學習的缺點,並引起學習者積極的學習動機。 本研究根據教育部桃竹苗區域教學資源分享之全國性服務平台計畫,創建了一個「台灣微積分題庫平台」,將「微積分」利用Maple TA這個數學專用的答題系統,稱為「Maple TA線上評量系統」,讓學生可以隨時隨地的測驗練習,觀看成績與測驗詳解,及時改正錯誤觀念。 而我們根據「教學評量」來解釋學習評量的概念,並指出其為系統地蒐集學生學習行為的資料,加以分析處理後,再根據預定之教學目標做價值判斷的歷程。本研究利用了多重對應分析、Pearson相關係數、因素分析法對學生行為作分析,從分析結果中,統整出該名學生學習動機、行為與學習成效之間的關係。 結果發現,學生行為大致可分為三種學習特點:學習意圖、時間管理、作業成績表現。若學生可以具備上述的「學習意圖」或是「時間管理」能力,又或是「寫作業」都對於學習有所幫助。且在學生作業成績表現分析中,發現「Maple TA線上評量系統」對於微積分的學習是有幫助的!另一方面,我們同樣發現Maple TA線上評量系統可以改進或增加的功能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract In this generation, science and technology develop very fast, so the ways of learning also change rapidly. E-learning becomes an indispensable way of learning for modern students. E-learning can help learners find out the shortcomings of their learning, and give learners positive motivation to learn. Therefore, based on the service sharing platform plan of Regional Education Resource for Taoyuan Xinzhu Miaoli, in the research, a "Taiwan Calculus Item Pool Platform" is created. On this platform, students can use Maple TA Online Assessment System, for student to practice questions about calculus. This system not only allows students to do the assessment without any restrictions of time or location but also provides the correct answer for them; in addition, they also can see the procedure of calculating and receive their grades immediately. And we explain the concept of learning assessment according to the "teaching assessment", and point out that learning assessment is a process that systematically collects the data of students′ learning behavior, analyzes the data, and then evaluates the value according to the intended teaching goal. In this study, we use the multiple correspondence analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, and factor analysis to analyze student behaviors, and to analyze the relationship among learning motivation, behavior and learning achievement. The results show that student behaviors can be divided into three learning characteristics: learning intention, time management,and students’ homework. If the student can have the "learning intention", or "the ability of time management ", or "doing homework hard", it proves to be helpful for learning. According to the result of the student performance analysis, we found that "Maple TA Online Evaluation System" for calculus learning is helpful! On the other hand, we also found that Maple TA Online Evaluation System could be improved or add more functions.en_US
DC.subjectMaple TA線上評量系統zh_TW
DC.subjectlearning achievementen_US
DC.subjectMaple TA Online Assessment Systemen_US
DC.subjectmultiple correspondence analysisen_US
DC.subjectfactor analysisen_US
DC.subjectlearning intentionen_US
DC.subjecttime managementen_US
DC.titleMaple TA 線上評量系統使用動機、 行為與學習成效之研究zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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