博碩士論文 104232007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Lun Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在光電元件的發展上,諸如太陽能電池或光通訊系統等,改善薄膜品質並降低元件暗電流一直都是研發過程中的必經之路,而其中透過半導體的表面鈍化能有效達到降低暗電流的目的,因此沉積良好的介電材料作為鈍化層成了光電元件製程中常見的一環。然而隨著技術的進步與商用的需求,對於元件暗電流的改善標準也越來越高,為了能達到更佳的鈍化效果,有研究團隊提出了沉積雙層的介電材料,形成複合型的鈍化薄膜,以雙材料雙效果的方式達到比單一鈍化層更好的表現。   材料的選擇與薄膜品質為複合型薄膜的關鍵,故本研究先以挑選數種常見的鈍化材料作探討,並得到以二氧化矽為內層、氮化矽為外層時,複合型薄膜的鈍化效果最好,量測得載子生命週期(Lifetime)為584.2 μs、隱開路電壓(iVOC)為623.2 mV。為了進一步改善複合型薄膜品質,我們使用濕式化學氧化法成長緻密的二氧化矽薄膜,並堆疊氮化矽後進行熱退火處理,結果得到以退火溫度為500℃時鈍化效果最佳,量測得Lifetime為1329.7 μs、iVOC為646.8 mV。   為了將複合型薄膜應用到光偵測器元件上,我們嘗試將複合型薄膜薄化,以提升載子傳輸能力,由實驗結果得到當二氧化矽為1.4 nm、氮化矽約為5 nm時為最好,但由於以PECVD方式成長的氮化矽其沉積時間較短,我們也試著以成長較厚的膜再進行乾式蝕刻的方式製備相同厚度的氮化矽層,然而其結果並沒有比前者優秀。   最後我們將前面所得的氮化矽/二氧化矽複合型薄膜,鍍上透明導電薄膜與金屬電極,製作成矽基金屬-絕緣體-半導體(MIS)光偵測器,可以發現暗電流密度從沒有複合型薄膜(相當於MSM結構)時的1.37×10-3 A/cm2@-3 V下降至6.96×10-5 A/cm2@-3 V,同時光電流響應仍有0.461 A/W@-3 V的表現。我們也探討了在相同厚度下單層或雙層同材料的絕緣層薄膜應用於元件上的情形,而由實驗結果可得其光、暗電流表現均不如應用氮化矽/二氧化矽複合型薄膜者。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to improve the performance of optoelectronic devices, reducing the dark current has become one of the important targets for the development of them, and a good passivation layer could effectively function. However, the standard of device dark current continuously increases according to the commercial demand. For the sake of improving the effect of passivation layer, some research groups have deposited double layers of dielectric material as compound films and tried to gain better performance than single layer films.   First of all, we grew some thin films which materials are commonly used as passivation layers. Then we discussed the passivation effect of those films and learned that Si3N4/SiO2 compound films have the best performance. The measured minority carrier lifetime is 584.2 μs and the implied open circuit voltage (iVOC) is 623.2 mV. Next, to enhance the quality of compound films, we grew the SiO2 layer by nitric acid oxidation method instead of PECVD. After the Si3N4 layers has deposited, we annealed the compound films, the maximum of measured lifetime is 1329.7 μs and the iVOC is 646.8 mV at 500℃.   Further, we tried to grow thinner compound films so as to apply them on the Si-based photodetectors. According to the experiments of devices, the compound film with 1.4 nm SiO2 and 5 nm Si3N4 has the best performance. However, due to the short deposited time of Si3N4 by PECVD, we also grew thick Si3N4 film and reduce its thickness by dry etching. Although the passivation effect is better, yet the performance of device is not.   Finally, the compound films were applied on Si-based MIS photodetector. Compared with the devices without compound film (equivalent to MSM structure), the dark current density decreases from 1.37×10-3 A/cm2@-3 V to 6.96×10-5 A/cm2@-3 V, and the responsivity is 4.61 A/W@-3 V. We also discussed the single and double layer insulator with the same materials which are applied on devices as well. The results show that the performance of Si3N4/SiO2 ones are still the best as expected.en_US
DC.subjectCompound filmen_US
DC.subjectSilicon nitrideen_US
DC.subjectSilicon dioxideen_US
DC.subjectSi-based photodetectoren_US
DC.titleSi3N4/SiO2 Compound Films Development and Application for Si-based Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Photodetectorsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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