博碩士論文 104323060 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLo, Huan-Chengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract現今有機金屬化學氣相沉積(MOCVD)在半導體製程領域發展上應用相當廣泛,有機金屬化學氣相沉積法為目前製程LED以及高功率元件關鍵技術之一。並根據不同種類薄膜材料如單晶、多晶以及非晶等,磊晶材料進行沉積製程之技術。本文首先透過設計建立出實體可視化垂直進氣式腔體,並將系統設備進行完善整合,包含流量與壓力控制系統、基板高溫(800 ℃)之加熱器系統,以及配合旋轉載盤轉速達到高轉速(800 rpm)之實驗整合系統。藉由改變不同的單孔進氣流量、腔體壓力、基板溫度以及載盤轉速等重要影響製程參數,並探討反應腔內的流場分佈情形,使內部流場達到均勻性。 可視化實驗通入流體粒子為氧化鋁粉,藉由雷射槍面利用高速攝影機進行拍攝,取得一系列的流場動態圖,再利用Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV)影像分析軟體與Matlab進行後處理速度場分析。從實驗結果與數值模擬驗證可得知四種單一進氣口之流動型態,由垂直噴流產生的衝擊導流效應、高溫基板產生的熱浮力效應、載盤旋轉所產生的旋轉慣性力效應以及調整至均勻流場之栓塞流效應等影響。並分析載盤表面上流動邊界層之變化,驗證製程參數影響流場渦流之情形,並找出流場變化皆影響磊晶沉積速率與均勻度之關鍵因素。 第二部分透過加入進氣擴散導流設計整合於可視化腔體進行實驗,此狹縫進氣(Slit jet)設計由結果得知可有效改善單一進氣之入口流速分佈不均之情形。使得腔體內部及載盤表面之流動情形可達均勻流場,其影響可使速度分佈不會隨徑向增加而快速遞減。另外本文也利用數值模擬方法建立垂直式進氣模型,並加入MOCVD化學反應工程進行多重物理量耦合,建立出一套與實際MOCVD製程長率及均勻性計算分析技術,透過本研究可累積關鍵零組件能力以及製程參數配比之技術,廣泛應用於半導體工業之設備開發依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract In recent years, MOCVD in the field of semiconductor manufacturing was widely used, and the current process LED and high-power components one of the key technologies. According to different types of film materials, i.e., single crystal, Polycrystalline and amorphous, and other epitaxial materials for the deposition process technology, the study first through the design of the physical visualization of vertical inlet chamber and the system equipment to improve the integration. The process parameters include the flow rate, pressure control system, the substrate high temperature (800℃) of the heater system and with the rotating platform speed to achieve high speed (800 rpm) in the experimental equipment. The flow field distribution in the reaction chamber is explored to make uniform inside the flow field by changing the different flow rate of single air inlet, chamber pressure, substrate temperature and rotating speed in the susceptor. Visualization of the experiment flow into the alumina fluid particles. It obtain dynamic images by using the high-speed camera for the shooting with a laser gun, and then the velocity field analysis was used by the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and MATLAB analysis software. From the experimental results and numerical simulations show that the flow form in four kinds of single air inlet has the effect of vertical jet flow on the impact of diversion, the thermal buoyancy effect of the high temperature substrate, the rotational inertial force effect produced by the rotation of the susceptor and the plug flow effect adjusted to the uniform flow field. Through the analyzed the change of the flow boundary layer on the surface of the susceptor and verified the influence of the process parameters on the eddy current of the flow field, it was found that the major factors were affected the rate of the epitaxy and uniformity. The second part is designed by adding inlet diffusion system, the slit jet designs from the results that can effectively improve the inlet of a single inlet flow rate of the uneven distribution of the situation. The results show that the flow inside the chamber and the surface of the platform can achieve the uniform flow field, and it caused that the velocity distribution decreases as the radial direction increases. In addition, the numerical simulation method is used to establish the vertical intake model, and the MOCVD chemical reaction project is added to the multi-physical coupling to establish a set of calculation and analysis of the length and uniformity of the actual MOCVD. Through this study, the key components can be accumulated Ability and process parameters of the ratio of technology, and it was widely used in the semiconductor industry equipment development basis.en_US
DC.subjectMetal Organic Chemical Vapor Depositionen_US
DC.subjectVisualization Chamberen_US
DC.subjectParticle Image Velocimetryen_US
DC.titleMOCVD可視化腔體熱流場實驗驗證與 化學質傳模擬分析之研究zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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