博碩士論文 104325602 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorRino Yunantaraen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract全球暖化是正在上演的全球議題之一,該議題之衝擊則隨著時間而日益加劇,如平均溫度上升、水患頻繁、臭氧層破壞等,相對需要一系列的解決方法或因應策略來減緩影響。建築規劃導入永續營建作為,已被證實可以減緩並防止全球暖化加劇。綠牆系統是一種透過植栽附掛在建築物外牆的永續營建作為,不僅符合景觀設計,更可有效降低建築物之溫度,進而減少室內空調之運作。本研究主要目的係調查造成綠牆及裸露牆面溫度差異之因素,這些因素包含綠牆系統之厚度、外牆材料,以及不同建築使用類型。另一個目的則分析不同厚度之綠牆對熱能傳遞之差距。本研究測試之綠牆厚度,包含0.25 公分、0.6公分、1.5公分、2.5公分、3公分及4.5公分。測試結果可發現,裸露牆面平均溫度約高於綠牆2~8度。然而,透過斯皮爾曼(Spearman)統計方法分析影響綠牆效率之主要因素,可發現綠牆厚度(-0.714)、綠牆設置方位(-0.600)、外牆材料(-0.676)此三項因素影響較為明顯。熱能傳遞部分,研究成果則顯示較厚的綠牆系統(4.5公分)具有最小的傳遞效果。整體而言,綠牆系統之熱能傳遞低於裸露牆面,最佳則可節省78,185.3 W/h之能源消耗。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGlobal warming is a global problem that is currently going on and needed a solution to encounter. The impact of these phenomena was increasingly time after time such as growing the temperature; flood, depletion of the ozone layer, and so on. Implementation of sustainable construction on the building is one of the responses to mitigate and prevent the effects of global warming. The Green Wall system is one form of application of sustainable construction by putting vegetation on the wall. The aim of this research is to investigate the role of several factors related to temperature differences in the green wall and bare wall. Those factors are the thickness of a green wall, the types of cladding materials, and the building orientation. The other purpose is to investigate green wall heat transfer related to temperature saving in different thickness of wall. There are several types of wall thickness will be used which are 0.25 cm, 0.6 cm, 1.5 cm, 2.5 cm, 3 cm and 4.5 cm. The results show that bare wall consistently has a higher temperature than green wall through all case studies, the overall temperature differences in range 2°-8°C. Furthermore, three variables, which are thickness, orientation and cladding materials, have a significant impact on green wall performances according to the results from experiments and the Spearman statistical analysis. The value is -0.714 (high) for thickness of green wall, orientation by -0.600 (medium) and cladding materials by -0.676 (high). The other results show that the thicker green wall (4.5 cm) the smallest heat transfer will occur. The heat transfer of green wall is consistently lower than bare wall with optimum value in 78185.3 W/h.en_US
DC.subjectGreen wallen_US
DC.subjectanalysis factorsen_US
DC.subjectheat transferen_US
DC.titleAnalysis of Factors Related to Green Wall Temperature Performance and Heat Transfer: Case Study of Buildings in Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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