博碩士論文 104328022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorXu-Cheng Guoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 近年來,彈性導電材相關的研究因為技術不斷的進步而有飛躍性的發展,而擁有高度可拉伸性的導電材料在可撓性電子產品及許多領域中都具有更多的優勢。在本研究中,我們將其分成兩個部分,在第一部分,我們利用簡單且成本低廉的製程轉印出砂紙粗糙的結構在PDMS表面上,再利用UV/Ozone(UVO)對粗糙化的PDMS(p-PDMS)的表面處理,可以讓聚吡咯(PPy)聚合在p-PDMS以達到高拉伸量的導電PPy/p-PDMS薄膜。PPy/p-PDMS薄膜可以達到最高拉伸80%,在本研究中也詳細介紹各項對PPy/p-PDMS薄膜有顯著影響的幾個關鍵參數,包括UVO處理時間、PPy沉積時間及砂紙號數等等。結果顯示了使用最優化的參數製成的PPy/p-PDMS薄膜,電導率最高可達到34.9S/m,也針對其重複性做高達1000次重複性拉伸及彎曲測試,電阻最多增加了5%(彎曲測試)36%(拉伸測試)。在第二部分中,我們使用了一種新的製作方法,使用PPy/p-PDMS製作出具高拉伸導電性的微流道。將砂紙粗糙的結構轉印在PDMS微流道中,再利用氧電漿將PDMS接合。PPy/p-PDMS微流道擁有了良好的拉伸性及導電性,也研究不同形式PPy/p-PDMS微流道像是直線型、彎曲型、角度型及複合圖形的蛇型的機械與電性能。在PPy/p-PDMS微流道內我們也培養小鼠胚胎纖維細胞NIH 3T3以證明其生物相容性。最後,針對其重複性進行1000次重複性拉伸及彎曲測試,證明PPy/p-PDMS微流道的應用穩定性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract Abstract Stretchable conductors have been developed in the past decade with new technological advancement. Highly stretchable conductive materials provide unique advantages in flexible electronics as well as in many advanced fields. In this study, it would be divided into two parts. In the first part, we created elastic porous polydimethylsiloxane (p-PDMS) as high stretchable conductive substrate. The p-PDMS surface was fabricated by simple soft lithography process that replicates the 3D corrugated porous microstructures from a low-cost conventional available abrasive paper. Conductive polypyrrole (PPy) was polymerized on the p-PDMS surface by UV/Ozone (UVO) surface treatment to create the high stretchable conductive PPy/p-PDMS film. The PPy/p-PDMS film shows high stretchability maximum upto 80% strain. Effect of PPy/p-PDMS electrical properties to the critical PPy/p-PDMS process parameters such as UVO treatment time, deposition time, and abrasive paper grit size were evaluated in this paper in great detail. Results indicate that highest electrical conductivity of 34.9 S/m was found in the optimized PPy/p-PDMS process condition. And high number of cyclical bending and stretching of PPy/p-PDMS film upto 1,000 cycles were also reported as good PPy/p-PDMS repeatability with maximum 5% (bending) and 36% (20% stain stretching) resistance increment after 1,000 repeating cycles. In the second part, we propose a new fabrication method to create highly stretchable, conductive p-PDMS microchannel base on PPy/p-PDMS process. The p-PDMS microchannel was fabricated by standard soft-lithography process from an abrasive paper imprinted SU-8 micromold. Oxygen plasma treatment was applied to bond the microchannel and the PPy layer was coated into the microchannel to fabricate a stretchable conductive PPy/p-PDMS microfluidic device. The PPy/p-PDMS microchannel showed both good electrical property and stretchability. The electrical properties of different layouts, including straight, curved, angled, and complex serpentine PPy/p-PDMS microchannel under stretching were investigated. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts, NIH/3T3, were also cultured inside the microchannel to demonstrate biocompatibility of PPy/p-PDMS microchannels. Finally, 1,000 times cyclic stretching and bending tests were performed to evaluate the reliability of PPy/p-PDMS microchannel.en_US
DC.subjectStretchable conductorsen_US
DC.titleHighly Stretchable Conductive Microchannel based on Polypyrrole Film on 3D porous Polydimethylsiloxane Surfaceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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