博碩士論文 104356015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-Hsiang Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract為使軍事營區在提升官兵生活設施品質同時,仍然能夠兼顧政府節約能源 的政策要求,並且建立後續設施改善時節能設計之參考作法,本研究藉由調查、 蒐整營區電力設備耗能及長時間的用電資料,分析評估適用於單位之契約容量、 時間電價與用電指標(EUI)基準值,同時探討提升用電效能、降低電力用量與電 費支出的管理策略。 研究結果顯示,運用EXCEL軟體的運算,依據104年度電力使用量,求得 最佳契約容量為2,026kW,全年度可節省電費達44萬6,069元,此方法可以供各 營區管理者自行分析並檢核目前的契約容量的合理性,並且在不改變任何設備 使用狀態下,立即獲得降低用電費用的效果;運用時間電價的價差特性,將營 區內冷氣、空調、電熱鍋爐、熱水器、製冰機及動力馬達等電力設備,採區隔 使用時段、調整控制於離峰時段運轉等方式,有效將105年度因設備增加、氣溫 上升等因素,所造成較104年度用電量成長51萬6,500度中,控制在尖峰用電量 僅增加1萬3,000度、離峰用電量則增加40萬2,500度的效果(週六半尖峰時段增加 10萬,1,000度),電費節省效益更高達71萬2,425元,此調控的作法可以提供其他 軍事營區運用;另外運用二段式與三段式固定時間的電價差異推導公式,針對 營區105年度尖峰時段用電量,分析採取二段式或與三段式固定時間電價的差異 可能高達20萬4,870元,因此可讓各單位用電管理者,透過目前所採用的二段式 電費單以及監控系統所得各時段的用電資料,即可分析使用二段式或是三段式 固定時間電價較為適宜;本營區針對空調系統建置電能調控系統,經費總計 1,551萬5,212元,若再全面針對照明、鍋爐及其他動力設備建置或是設備更新, 所需經費需求更是龐大,因此基於節能效果與設備成本考量,營區內大規模節 能設備更換,應配合辦理設施整修工程同時辦理;營區內建築物的用電效率指 標(EUI)基準值,依據平均樓地板面積計算結果,呈現出辦公、值勤、訓練所使 用的時間越長,建築物EUI值也越高;及使用人數少,但因部分時段活動所產 生的高用電量,常造成以「年」用電量為基準計算的EUI值出現失真的情形, 因此對軍事營區而言,EUI值除依據平均樓地板面積外,仍應考量各別建築物 i 的使用特性不同而有所差異;對於電能管理系統投資部分,全面性建置需求費 用高達1,551萬5,212元,需14.6年始能回收、若扣除排程及控制系統投資成本降 為713萬3,612元,回收時間則減為6.7年,依據本研究所推導的管理方法與策略 執行,僅具備監測、記錄及警報等基本功能的電能管理系統,已可滿足現有營 區用電管理的需求,可以先行建置以彌補現有管理人力的不足,至於完整的調 控系統,在全營區實施大規模整建時納入整體規劃設計中執行,較為完整周延。 研究過程中對於設備耗電量分析、用電負載調控、契約容量、時間電價、 用電效率指標(EUI)及需量反應等探討過程與獲得的成果,將可作為後續各營區 管理者訂定相關作為以及與建築師研討設計之基本概念,使能有效提升營區節 能的成效與住用人員的生活品質。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTo simultaneously enhance the infrastructure quality in the military base, execute the national energy-saving polity, and establish the design criterion for the succeeding facility renovation, this study evaluated the reference values of the contract capacity, time-of-use rate, and energy use index (EUI) that are viable for military units through collection and analysis of long-term electric energy consumption data, and explored the strategies that can potentially facilitate power efficiency and reduce power utilization as well as electricity costs in synchrony. The results showed that based on the power utilization in 2015, the optimal contract capacity of 1,026 kW could be derived, equivalent to the saving of NTD 446,069 in electricity cost. Such an approach can allow the administrator of barracks to analyze and inspect the rationality of the current contract capacity without renovating any facilities to reduce the electricity cost. In addition, on the basis of differential time-of-use rates, it was found that if certain facilities including air conditioners, boilers, heaters, ice makers, motors, etc. could be segregated to run at off-peak electricity hours, costs resulted from the increase in facilities and temperature in 2016 were significantly reduced, as evidenced by the fact that for the increase of 516,500 kwh in 2016 relative to 2015, only 13,000 kwh was increased at on-peak hours, and 402,500 kwh was increased at off-peak hours, leading to the total saving of NTD 732,425. Importantly, when the on-peak electricity hours spent in 2016 were further analyzed, it was noted that the difference of costs between the binary- and ternary-fix time-of-use rates could be as high as NTD 204,870, suggesting that the administrator of barracks can analyze it accordingly and select the more beneficial formula for use. It was also found that when the power saving and cost were taken into account, large-scale energy saving equipment replacement in the barrack should be coordinated with the construction contract. Lastly, the EUI reference in the barrack calculated based on the average floor area showed that the longer the working, duty and training are spent, the higher EUI it will be. Hence, it was suggested that the diversity of building utilization should also consider EUI calculations. Together, the management methods and strategies inferred in this study revealed that the power management system with only monitoring, recording, iii and alert can satisfy the needs of barrack, which should be set in advance to make up the deficiency of administrators. With regard to the full control system, it is better to be integrated into a large-scale construction contract for planning and design. Moreover, this study demonstrated that equipment power consumption analysis, power overload adjustment and control, contract capacity, time of use rates, EUI standard values and demand responses can be used as a basic concept of design for the administrator and architect to discuss, which ultimately can enhance the efficiency of energy saving and quality of living in the barrack.en_US
DC.subjectpower managementen_US
DC.subjectenergy savingen_US
DC.titleA study of power management and energy saving strategy of military organs-taking a barrack as an exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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