博碩士論文 104450032 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Sheng Wenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract為維護環境資源,追求永續發展,綠建築即以地球環境保護之永續設計理念為之目標,建築與人類生活本就密不可分,但過去建築物長期被認為是環境污染的最大來源。近年來因環保意識抬頭以及技術的進步,並且在台灣政府的大力推動下, 無論是在建築領域或日常生活,綠建築早已融入其中,甚至蔚為主流。即便如此,我國的綠建築發展並未就此停下腳步,反而是不斷追求更上一層樓的嶄新階段。 隨著節能減碳與永續發展等環保意識的提升,「綠建築」成為各國建築發展之方向,雖然台灣擁有自己的綠建築評估系統,但隨著全球化的發展,難免受到其他國家之發展影響,許多台灣建築物同時擁有台灣EEWH之綠建築認證與美國LEED之認證。 學術方面EEWH與LEED之比較也一直都是時常被探討的領域。本研究以台灣EEWH與美國LEED為探討範圍,研究過程比較評估系統之差異。本探討首先收集台灣與美國有關綠建築標章制度相關文獻,經由歸納相關資料的分析比較,找出目前台灣與美國綠建築標章推廣制度之政策、實施機制與推廣策略,並透過參與公務部門、學術機構及公會團體相關研討會及講習,透過產、官、學、研各界研究之建議,同時訪談相關主管機關、執行機構、建築從業人員、審查人員及建管人員,進行互動的交流學習,充實及加強研究內容,作為推動綠建築證書與標章提升策略探討。最後以A公司做為個案說明綠建築推動情況,運用節能技術與最大節能效益,比較分析綠建築節能手法作為綠建築日後推動之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTo protect environmental resource and strive for sustainable development, the design of green building is based on environmental protection and the sustainability. Architecture & human life are tightly connected. However, building construction was thought as major pollution to the environment in the past. In recent years, sense of environmental protection raised, and technology had been upgraded, with the government’s effort, green building had become popularized in daily life and architecture field, even the mainstream of them. The development of green building keeps going on and endeavor to achieve the new page. With the sense of energy-saving and sustainable development had been raised, green building had become the trend of architecture in worldwide. Taiwan has green building evaluation system, but still be influenced by the standards of other countries because of globalization, many green buildings in Taiwan have both Taiwan EEWH and US LEED qualification. In academic filed, comparison between EEWH and LEED is a popular topic. This study is based on Taiwan EEWH and US LEED, to differentiate the process of evaluation. The study is to collect regulation and guide of green building in Taiwan and United States, find out the strategy of policy, application and popularization. Through the participation in training or seminar hold by public sector, academic institution and association, understanding comments from the industry, government, academic, and research aspects. In the meantime, interview with administration department, execution department, employee in architecture industry, auditors and reviewers to learn from interactive communication, through all the activities to enhance the study plan, the promotion of green building qualification. In the end, the A company green building adoption will be the case study, take the advantage of energy-saving technologies and max efficiency, analyze and compare the energy-saving skills as the reference for future popularization.en_US
DC.subjectGreen buildingen_US
DC.subjectenergy-saving technologyen_US
DC.subjectenergy-saving efficiencyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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