博碩士論文 104453012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChao-Hsin Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract根據資策會產業情報研究所最新統計資料預估,2017年台灣電子商務規模可望達1兆2,515億元,較往年成長幅度增長11%左右。其中企業對消費者的電子商務模式其產值6,875億元。隨著社群網站功能發展的多樣化,以及社群網站結合社群的門檻降低,讓許多的實體的品牌或線上的電子商務網站,積極的想向社群商務方向發展。 社群電子商務平台服務產品策略與建置與導入社群電子商務平台服務的技術能力必須相輔相成。社群電子商務平台服務這類的系統,因為系統的獨特性與客製化的特色與亮點,導致進行系統導入的工作更為複雜。一般的委外開發公司只能做好簡單的套裝網站平台以及後台,甚至已經有網站平台服務整合廠商提供只需要幾天即可快速建置網站的服務,優點是快速即可得,但缺點是缺乏其獨特性。 本研究透過個案研究法,為瞭解個案公司在社群電子商務平台服務系統導入實行的歷程,其中分為:系統委外開發階段、系統自行開發階段、系統再造開發階段以及系統再次再造開發階段,探討其碰到的問題與挑戰、解決方案及影響社群電子商務平台服務系統導入的結果。研究結果發現,個案公司在進行社群電子商務平台服務系統導入的過程中,初期採用系統委外開發的策略,卻因為系統外包公司的承接能力及人員專業度均不足,導致系統導入策略需調整;在系統自行開發的階段,卻因為招募的人員專業經驗不足,態度與組織文化不適配,以及授權不明確等因素,系統導入策略再次調整;在系統再造開發的階段,社群電子商務平台服務系統導入完成並上線,但因為產品失去競爭力,必須重新調整產品策略;最終因為任務、人力、科技與組織均衡,任務與科技適配度高的關係,產品會員數上升,個案公司穩定獲利,社群電子商務平台服務系統導入專案成功。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAccording to the latest statistical estimates of the Market Intelligence and Consulting Institute (commonly known as the MIC), e-commerce sales in Taiwan will likely achieve an 11% increase over the previous year and reach more than NT$1.25 trillion in 2017, of which NT$687.5 billion will be contributed by enterprises that provide services to consumers via e-commerce. As functions of social networking websites continue to improve and it becomes easier to develop integrated website communities, more and more physical stores and online e-commerce platforms are engaged in developing their own social e-commerce platforms. For a social e-commerce platform to be successful, the building of a platform’s service and product strategies and the import of service technology capabilities into the platform have to work synergistically. The unique features and customization required for any given social e-commerce platform make the introduction of a system an even more complex task. A general systems developer might only be capable of building simple platform and back-end design template. Although some website platform service integration providers provide rapid construction services that complete the building of a website in only a few days, such quick services have a down side in that their output lacks uniqueness. The purpose of this case study is to understand the subject company’s experience in introducing a social e-commerce platform service system into its operations. This experience can be divided into four stages: outsourced system development, own system development, system redevelopment, and system reconstruction and redevelopment. Challenges faced by the company, solutions to the challenges, and their influences on the introduction of the social e-commerce platform service system into operations were investigated. Study findings show that the subject company initially outsourced system development to a provider whose capabilities and professionalism were both insufficient; the system introduction strategy therefore required adjustment. In the system redevelopment stage, during which the system was completed and launched online, product strategy had to be readjusted because the products were no longer competitive. Nevertheless, a balance among tasks, manpower, technology, and organization was eventually achieved, and due to the high level of goodness of fit of the tasks and technology, product membership increased and the subject company generated steady earnings. The introduction of the social e-commerce platform service system into the subject company’s business operations was successful.en_US
DC.subjectSocial Commerceen_US
DC.subjectSystem Integrationen_US
DC.subjectDiamond Modelen_US
DC.titleA Study of a Social E-Commerce Platform Service System into Business Operationsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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