博碩士論文 104453020 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih-Yu Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract半導體業是個需要投注相當多資金的產業,一個現代化的半導體生產工廠往往要高達數百億新台幣的投資,然而生產設備又是半導體廠中最重要的資產與基本要素。由此可以了解半導體設備的使用效能提昇對於提昇晶圓產出有很大的影響力,也會間接影響公司的產能規劃及晶圓產出目標。 本研究探討導入設備效能追踨系統(Equipment Performance Tracking, EPT)來忠實呈現設備內部之關鍵資訊,更進一步整理導入EPT系統之動機、過程,以及系統導入後之效益,檢視是否符合個案公司預期達到生產設備效率的提升、落實降低晶圓單位製造成本,並使得設備的投資報酬率達到極大化。 本研究採用「質性研究方法」中的「個案研究法」來進行探討個案公司的現況、系統的發展過程與系統導入後所遭遇的問題,以及系統上線後是否達到專案預期效益。且經由研究發現,藉由EPT系統的導入,可有效的識別出設備的產能瓶頸及問題,挖掘出可能提昇效能的機會及方法,並可以持續不間斷的檢視設備效能,為個案公司帶來龐大的產能提昇效益,進而有效降低製造成本,達到客戶與公司的雙贏局面。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract Semiconductor companies are in an industry that demands heavy investment. A modern semiconductor manufacturing factory often requires tens of billions of NT dollars investment, in which equipments are the most essential element. Consequently, enhancing the efficiency or utilization of the equipments will have a big influence on the wafer production, thus also indirectly affecting the company’s production scheme and target. This study explores the lead-in system of Equipment Performance Tracking (E.P.T), by faithfully providing the critical internal information of the equipment, and also identifies the motivations and the process of implementing the equipment, as well as the benefits after the lead-in EPT system implementation. The study also checks whether production improvement with the system has achieved the company’s expectation by reducing the manufacturing unit cost of wafer, and reaching higher of Return On Investment (R.O.I). This study uses the case study method in qualitative research to deeply examine the situation and the process of system implementation, and the problems and the benefits after system implementation This study has found that with the lead-in system of EPT the case company can continuously monitor the equipments and effectively identify the production bottlenecks, and therefore discover possible ways and opportunities to enhance the production efficiency. Consequently, implementing the EPT system not only can bring huge benefits of productivity enhancement but also reduce manufacturing cost to achieve a win-win situation between the company and its customers.en_US
DC.subjectEquipment Performance Trackingen_US
DC.subjectSystem Implementationen_US
DC.subjectSemiconductor Manufacturing Industryen_US
DC.subjectComputer Integrated Manufacturingen_US
DC.title導入設備效能追蹤系統之研究 - 以 T 公司電腦整合製造為基礎zh_TW
DC.titleA Study of Implementing the Equipment Performance Tracking System - Based on the Computer Integrated Manufacturing System of T Companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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